Victor the Vampire - Reaper of Souls

So i was toying around with the idea of a Vitality based Nightblade and the obvious choice was Necromancer.

The idea of this build relies heavily on Lifesteal, which he has fairly lowish HP he has half decent defensive and attack and his resists are near capped.

Wondering what peoples initial thoughts are? im going to try this build out once i get my Cabalist to Ultimate and have completed all content.

But would like thoughts / advice in the meantime?

interested in seeing a professional response to this. looks like an entertaining build

Maybe im wrong, im not grim dawn pro but reaping strike and necrotic edge need default weapon attacks and u have none whit this build.

What do you mean no default weapon attacks?

Default attacks…

What do you mean he has none. Everyone does.

Anyways OP I recommend Throwing in Ravenous Earth too. Just default attacks is…not viable IMO. Would be pretty bad.

I am fairly certain Shaman + Necro or Shaman + Occultist going DW using some Medal or Relic would be better

And people using Ravager helms be warned it’s an MI from a Super Boss. It won’t be easy to obtain, my advice is stick to Clairvoyant’s hat for now

oh lol yeah, even the blue 94 version wont be easy to get xD
it can be little dangerous to plan to get the purple version of it (the drop in ultimate i guess ?)
i wont build around this item, its like saying that you have to be able to farm mogdrogen before you can gear your char :stuck_out_tongue:

your weapon pool skills add up to 130%. seems a bit overkill.

also, why no bone harvest? 2nd modifer (soul harvest) adds a nice chunk of vitality (and also cold) damage.

no pneumatic burst is also pretty unconventional. imo that’s one of the strongest skill lines of NB. i’d never make an NB build without it.

as for devotion - for a mainly vitality damage build, rattosh would seem pretty useful. adds a big chunk of health and the devotion skill does vit (& aether) damage and reduces vit resistance and life leech resistance. tbh, don’t know what LL resistance does - if that also affects attack damage conversion to health, the devotin would seem kinda mandatory for such a build.

On Elite too. So some little chance to get exists :smiley:

I’ve made a few lifesteal builds and they’re fun but can’t handle all content in the game. Bosses that can stun you and kill you within the duration of the cc when you aren’t healing are almost impossible. Iron maiden is the worst but bosses like Rashalga are pretty bad for this type of build as well. If you get 1 shot, your lifesteal won’t mean squat. I think you need more defensive devotions at least, and going beyond first 3 in behemoth is a waste.