Victory conditions

First of all, I want to thank you - the people who created this wonderful game.
It’s been almost 20 years since I’ve felt such a high.
It would be great if this game had a perfect ending. It would be an immortal masterpiece in the history of gaming.

Back to the main issue.

I realized that there are 2 main types of players:

  1. Those who love the madness of bloody wars.

  2. Those who love building big, beautiful cities with a very large population

So, it would be great if you let players choose the ending they want to aim for (after meeting certain conditions) by clicking on a button in the Town Center

Now we will start with each Victory condition

  1. Those who love the madness of invaders.
    At the beginning of the game, you brought a wonderful introductory clip about the reason why the miserable people had to leave their homeland to find the promised land, despite the price of countless deaths from hunger, cold, disease… on the seemingly endless road. That was because the greedy nobles hiding behind the walls were ready to exploit the hungry people to exhaustion. And this is the time for those nobles to pay the price and also the time for the people in the homeland to have a comfortable life.

To be able to approach victory. Players must meet the following 2 conditions:

  • Have >=500 elite soldiers
  • Have a reserve of food that can be used for 12 months for the army.

Once the challenge is started, the above food will be consumed regardless of whether the campaign is successful or not

After the player activates, the entire army will be moved to the edge of the nobles - where they have already deployed their troops: the front line is 2000 heavy infantry, behind are 1000 archers, on both sides are 500 cavalry.

This is a bloody war without prisoners. If the player wins, a clip will be shown: the brave soldiers enter the city in the joy of the hungry people. The nobles kneel down to beg for their lives. But for their crimes, all the nobles are hanged in front of the people. The game ends

  1. Those who love to build big, beautiful cities with a very large population

To be able to approach victory. Players must meet the following 2 conditions:

  • Have more than 3000 people
  • Food reserves >=12 months.

When the victory condition is activated: a series of natural disasters will occur within 12 months.

  • Drought, snowstorms cause agricultural productivity to decrease by 90%, livestock to die by 90%
  • Disease outbreak with a spread rate of 100%

After the challenge, if the city still exists, it is won. A clip is played with the image of a beautiful city with healthy, happy people dancing in the festival.

Thank you for reading. I hope this dream of mine will come true.


Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

I suggest you have a read of this thread and you’ll see that Crate do plan to give more options when choosing things for your new town plus there will be some sort of victory conditions for those who want them. And of course, you can always set your own victory conditions. Do bear in mind though that Farthest Frontier is basically a sandbox game, not an RTS.

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Any chance (or point) of having game time “achievements?” A optional movie or still showing a progress point accomplishment. Such as: first tier upgrade, first battle, first luxury, first raid, first migrants, etc.?

Why you don’t read the State of Early Access posted just above your comment before asking something like this? :slight_smile:

There will be Steam achievements; what they consist of we don’t know yet.

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