View Mods?

Are there any mods that unlock the zoom level yet?
I’m playing in portrait mode and the locked vertical view scale makes the character effectively blind. :furious:

Oh yeah and if anyone else finding this a problem with the game my half arse work around is Sukasa Mouse; a joke program that allows you to rotate mouse input 90 degrees. What this means is you can have your hd display in landscape mode have the mouse move in the correct potrait mode directions, but the downside is the view angle makes everything unlinear though arguably better than tilting your head to use the screen diagonals to aim your 2 handed rifles.

I know DAIL has a better zoom mod in it, but same angle I think. What I really want is a light camera panning mod :\ something that makes ranged easier without being in melee range without making it too cheaty.

the full version of the “legendary unlocker” mod lets you zoom out to birds eye view i believe ;o

there are lots of bugs with doing that so ididnt include it . and it hink it requires a memory hacker to work so its not really “friendly” for common users.

there is a link in teh OP of dail thread under mod credits. search for NateAT