Village growth not increasing anymore v0.9.4

Since the new patch my population seems to only decline and not gain new citizens anymore even though i have enough empty housing spaces.

I also noticed that when you set a production limit and you go over the amount, the production will not turn on unless you change the Maximum Quota.

At one point i had more citizens then housing, could these bug be related?

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here is a picture of the stalled production, but new users can’t put 2 media files in one post.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

I wondered if you hadn’t changed the population default limit in the settings which is 1k, but your population is still under that so you should be getting births and immigrants. What is your villager happiness like? That will affect this.

If you hit max on a production limit then yes, production will stop until it goes below whatever the minimum is that you set, then production will start again. I see you have it at auto for minimum so I’m not sure what that figure would be for a maximum of 300; 150 maybe?

Ah, indeed the maximum villagers was set to 500 without me changing it. I reset it now. As i will change my production limits. Thank you so much for your help.

Well, still a bug I guess as you shouldn’t have a population of nearly 900 if the limit was 500. Weird.

Not weird, if that save included a town with 900+ villagers, the new set to max 500 will not cause the extra people to vanish, but simply the game will let people die of old age with no births and immigration until you reach 500.

Yeah, maybe.

i think in 0.9.3 it was set on 1000 but maybe for 0.9.4 it is set for 500?

500 is the new default, probably how that happened.

OmG, I just noticed I have the exact same issue! Was already wondering why my population stagnated for weeks now…

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