I found a gold deposit on a steep mountin side. I started to flatten the mountin and build a road on the other side of the mountin pictured, visible to the right in the picture. After a while it was possible to build a mine and a temporary house. What I didn’t notice is that villagers sacrifice their lives trying to climb the mountin on the steep side and dies trying, as the road is not yet finished. If the carts get stuck and the villagers die trying to climb a mountin, they should not be able to climb the mountin and keep living happily?
yeah they shouldn’t get stuck like that and die. They should turn around and go home and get a new task.
The rats really like dead bodies…
I never knew exactly what would happen if I tried to put anything on an inaccessible mountain top, because I always went ahead and built/flattened/dug a road to the site first. Which sometimes meant it took a long time to get anything off the mountain, but, apparently, also kept me from feeding the rats.
Live and Learn - and Die.
well it is an easy fix. a simple 1 square wide ramp either from the flat area or the back side.
It usually takes several passes, because I lay down a sample road, and wherever it still shows red, go back and ‘reflatten’ until I get a good path. Mercifully, as stated, it only has to be 1 tile wide because I ain’t worried about multi-lane traffic!
Could you please upload that save?
Saves are located in:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save
Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, you can use a service such as Google Drive to share it with us.
@Zantai , I’d be happy to. Where/how do I upload the file?
See above post. Then upload it to something like googl drive or dropbox and then share the link for the folder here.
Hi Medea, Is that really safe? It looks like I have to share my google drive with the internet in order for you to get access?
Google Drive is what I would recommend.
What you do is you create a share link to a specific file or folder and set privileges to viewer, then post that here. That way anyone clicking the link will only have access to what you shared, and only to download it.
@Zantai , okey, lets give it a try. Can you read it / access it?
You will need to grant public access to the file.
@Zantai Sorry, this should have public read access
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