It’s been two years in game now, and I can’t get the villagers to DO anything. I have a dozen projects – build a new house, complete a farm, build a fishing hut, etc – all waiting to be done, but none of them have made any progress in over a half hour of gameplay. It appears that they are out of logs and/or cut wood, and so I’ve instructed the villagers to go cut some logs. Instead, the entire town is wandering around saying “idling – unable to work”.
I feel like I’ll have to scrap this game and start over, but this is the second game I’ve had to restart because it got stuck like this. I can’t get them to cut down any trees, so nothing makes any progress.
Do you have any labourers? Check the Professions window to see if you have any. If not, turn off one or two profession you don’t need immediately so those workers become labourers. Without labourers the other villagers can’t do their jobs.
Thank you for the suggestion! But yes, I already tried that, I removed all villagers from any assigned role so the entire village was “labourers” to try and get them unstuck. No luck!
All the usual tricks, yes… Tried saving the game, exiting out, coming back in to reload. Both times it’s happened it’s been on a “mountain” map, with a great big white peak in the middle of the map, and I have a suspicion it has something to do with the fact that there seem to be a lot of tiny artifacts on the map that will try and say you can’t build a road through certain terrain, but if you come at it from the other direction you can. Both times they seemed to get stuck shortly after I had that challenge in building roads, and then just spent the rest of the game walking around aimlessly.
Which… I mean, I do that too, so I don’t blame them.