I’ve found the way Diablo 3 highlights legendary drops particularly intriguing for a loot-based game. While it seems to be minor aesthetics, it does make such drops feel differently (in a good way).
A beam of light (colored the same as the quality type) marks the drop on the floor and indicates something a player should want to notice. In addition, there’s a distinct sound effect when legendaries drop and they are marked on the minimap so that it is difficult for the player to miss it amidst all the action. I thought Crate could consider bringing such additions into the game (if they aren’t difficult to accomplish). I’m thinking that the rarer items like Legendaries and Epics could have this effect.
One must be careful when mentioning D3 as one makes suggestions for additions. It does not sound well in the ears of GD’s hardcore fanboys, of which there are many frequenting this forum. And this is too bad. But I wouldnt be surprised if notifications upon a legendary drop will be implemented in the near future, either with an expansion or a mod.
Definitely a sound prompt should be played when a legendary drops, same with rare crafting components. I dont wanna think about how many times those have dropped outside my screen, never to be picked up.
Well anyway, this beam of light thing isn’t really unique to D3, Borderlands 2 has it too. Actually, I first noticed it in Borderlands but I find D3’s implementation better with the minimap markers and sound effect. So I hope the fanboys don’t get too drama over this.
I guess a marker on the minimap wouldn´t be a bad idea, at least for legendaries. But please no shiny penis of light, penetrating the skies. That looks ridonkulous. Works for D3 though, I´ll give you that.
Borderlands did this as well with the Pearl and Legendary gear having small beams of light emanating off them. It made watching your legendary gear fly off the map that much more painful.
I think that’s a really good idea, and I guess you could just make it able to be toggled on and off so those who don’t like it just don’t have to have it.
Because even if the loot was crap, I loved having that sound and light effects in D3, it just made the whole thing feel really rewarding and special. Crate don’t have to copy that, but some sort of audio notification as well as cool particle effects would be really swell (maybe add the John Bourbon Rocksolo? ;D).
Generally I think sound notifications are too sparse. Its just simple thing, who doesnt love the Level up sound?
Offcourse what this thread is about -> Not losing any legendaries/epics cause of not paying attention.
Make fighting Nemesis more interesting (atleast initially) -> Make character say something like “Oh shit, im gonna die”, or a short ominous music tune.
Upon dying -> A “death sound”… a shouting out in pain or some of that bone-breaking that Soldiers are so fond of?
Theres just too much happening on the screen sometimes that sound queues would only be a help, and in many situations better for immersion too. Lastly, offcourse make it a toggle option so haters can be happy/not sad.
The thread is about making legendaries more noticeable than it already is. The loot filter doesnt help if a legendary is dropped outside the screen. Sometimes item text takes a little extra time to show or because of dots you may have already run away far enough. And honestly, there can be no downside to this.
I like the distinct sound idea, but i dont like the beams of light, i think those are too much, we arent in a festival, well, magicians are. What about some more sparkles?