Vitality Cadence Bloodknight - Super safe 170 tank; 770k cadence crits when buffed/bannered

I just wanted author to reply instead of me :slight_smile: Thatā€™s why I deleted my comment

Veretragna > spanks in terms of theory crafting.

Lmao. Iā€™m like the new kid on the block here. :stuck_out_tongue:

But you actually played that build, sir! My theory can be less useful than your practice, I didnā€™t assemble anything on BK set.

Thanks for all the replies, I think I understand all of it :slight_smile:
I dont have that many + soldier skills, so I think I will skip Counter strike for now, but definitely something I will consider in the future and on other builds with Soldier class!

Counter strike is only worth it if you have blood knight set. If you have it then itā€™s a must. If you donā€™t then itā€™s not good.

Not even a single point if I get like +3 soldier skills here and there?

Is counterstrike worth it on other builds? I was thinking about making some kind of Blitz/retaliation tank as me next build or so.

I just got Eyes of the Reaper helm so a big upgrade for me (was using a Malmouth factions helm before LOL)

The dmg red duration on Ravenous Earth -> Decay is just one second. Is that timer reset every time the monster is hit/infected or is reset only after a new Ravenous Earth has been casted?

There you go

Just fyi that CS was buffed not nerfed :stuck_out_tongue: It gained WD and bleed damage for sure, think flat dmg stayed the same

1pointer was nerfed weapon damage-wise. IIRC, the weapon damage was around 20% at level 1 before The bleed part was buffed but this isnā€™t a bleed build (and you want CS maxed for bleed)

I think itā€™s worth investing in CS if you use the dawnbreaker set.

Itā€™s something Iā€™ve been looking into myself.

Thanks! But if you ask someone ā€œwould you like coffee or teaā€ and they answer ā€œyesā€, what do they want for drink? :wink:

Iā€™d give em both. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol I just woke up when I did that so didnā€™t really read it properly, sorry. Yes to the first part of the question. whenever an RE projectile hits then the damage reduction duration refreshes on that target.

Do you prefer coffee or tea when you wake up? :wink:

thanks again dude, I just hit level 100 with my DK!

Tea. But I donā€™t really drink anything regularly at morning, except water if that counts.

And I thought you didnā€™t like ADCTHā€¦
Nice build! definitely going to try this

I DO dislike adcth.

I just have no other way of healing my ass. :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. Still have those thunderstuck of thunder shoes. LMK when you wanna grab em.

I was hoping you still had them, Iā€™m not back yet though
Only have the forum and shitty wifi for nowā€¦
Iā€™ll let you know when Iā€™m back