Vitality Oblivion Spammer - trying to work that Oblivion relic

That could just be one more reason to use it for defense/sustain on builds with CD nukes, though, kind of like Stormfire on steroids (which is a little boring, I admit, but might actually be worth it).

Maybe just throw it on x1’s Blightlord Oppressor & call it a day? :stuck_out_tongue: You’d probably only have to change chest for chaos>vit conversion, gloves for %CS + ditch Vire’s since we’ve got another devo proccer with Oblivion now…

Edit: scratch that, %vit looks waay too low on his BL Oppr. + Oblivion without additional changes. Maybe sth. like this instead?
(But I’m not entirely sure if Harbinger over Mandate is really worth it here; %crit dmg is pretty awesome)