So Blightlord Set was buffed this patch
That’s a pretty big buff for Blightlord especially the RR part, since vit builds always want moar RR. Also, the skill becoming a proc is a huge QoL improvement. This got me interested in Blightlord again since I lost interest in it back when it was nerfed pre FG release.
Now onto the build:
Char sheet with all permanent buffs. OA goes up to 3k with Ascension up
GRIMTOOLS<<click that red thingy - Fissure Version
GRIMTOOLS<<click that red thingy - Flame Torrent Version
When played properly and under the same conditions, I found that both Flame Torrent and Fissure versions clear around the same speed but you have to play them a bit differently. You need to facetank with Flame Torrent (obviously) to get best results but you’re tankier with it since you have ghoul. With fissure you have more room for kiting but you’re also squisher so it’s a fair tradeoff. Use whatever suits you, I guess.
Build Features:
- Newly buffed RE FX - - RE with Blightlord set is fiery red, boosts synergy with fissures
- 100% Fire to Vit Conversion - Great since it fools the enemies thinking it’s fire with all the FX but it’s actually vit everything. Seriously Oppressor has double vit RR. We should use vit.
- NO GHOUL (for ghoul haters) - For real I wanted to take ghoul but all the other procs take priority and I’m 2 points short with ghoul so I dropped it. Sustain is still really good with Haunted Steel, Bat and Siphon
- MAKE AETHERIALS YOUR BITCH - 91% Aether resist? 169 is EZ
- Dying God’s not dead!! - with 45% innate crit damage, 30% from DG gets it to 75%, which isn’t normally seen on vit builds
- Still has a lot of room for improvement - The build shown here is my first draft, and it can already clear 170 below 7 mins. There are still a lot of untested ideas that might improve damage, maybe by a lot
I did 4 runs and as seen above, two 7-min runs, 1 failed run and then the 6 min run. This should probably average to around 6:40-6:50, the first two 7 min runs are courtesy to the ton of Kuba spawns I encountered everytime he could spawn. The fatass is a pain to all vit builds. Zantarin spawning sometimes doesn’t help.
Gameplay is pretty smooth tho since we’re not a warlord, there can be damage spikes by enemies so it’s best to anticipate those timings and prepare your defense. Getting all three of Ascension+Mark+Bloodthirster under RE makes you immortal most of the time tho you usually don’t need all three up at the same time. Prismatic Diamond is there if that’s still not enough.
6:34 run. Had a minor hiccup near the end but all is well the entire run
Probably a FAQ for this build
- 2 GREENS WTF? - sadly those greens are irreplaceable since they are build enablers. But the affixes are totally replaceable. Roll with what you have then adjust boots, pants, chest or gloves depending on what you need. There’s also a chest that converts 30% fire to vit with decent stats but it doesn’t allow 100% conversion with just the book and using all three conversion options isn’t practical.
- SHATTERED REALMS? - Sorry I don’t like realms. Maybe it’s 65 viable and 75 is doable with luck? idk really.
Possible Improvements:
I’m primarily posting this on first draft because Grim Internals isn’t updated yet and cycling through cruci arenas isn’t fun at all. There’s room for improvement but I can’t test effectively at the moment until Grim Internals updates.
- Honor relic for more human damage - i.e. 163 healers die faster, Dravis die faster, Annie and Alex die faster
- Find a way to include ghoul without gimping other stats
- Find a way to get more phys res via Lion without gimping other stats
- Flame Torrent - probably great with all the conversion but I chose Fissure since it’s flashier and kite friendly. Still RE is one of the best Flame Torrent activators out there.
- Other auxiliary skills instead of Heart of Wrath - Bone Harvest comes to mind
- Whatever you guys suggest that I find reasonable
Thanks Zantai and Crate for the job on the FX, not only for RE but for all the skills. Also for Blightlord buffs. We now feel closer to the Defiler Dream.
Thanks for reading!