Void Soul Needs an Armour, PR, Health or Shield Block Rate Buff etc

So, I’ve been back on my bullshit mucking around with Void Soul based Flames of Ignaffar builds and trying out SR90-91 with them (possible with very good piloting with just resist and regen pots) and failing. But it’s SR90-91, and I’ve been having to take antibiotics every 6hrs + been hit with a heat wave here in Christchurch on top…

Recent focus has been on this build: Apostate, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Total monster in SR75-76 + 80-81 due to getting 770K DPS on FoI :3 But glassy as hell in deeper SR.

Anyhow, that band plus SR85-86 have helped reveal to me the significant weaknesses of this set - namely it’s really, really reliant on AoM for crowd killing/control and when you go with a class it doesn’t support, you’re in for “fun”. Which has result in a lot of tinkering with the above build to deal with it focusing on FoI alone to get more survivability/sustain.

So what I’ve also noticed is as follows:

  • Armour level is more like a Caster Set, so unless I got NE or E on Devotions it’ll sit around 2100 armour, which is not enough on it’s own from my 100+ SR 75+ runs. Definitely could do with a 100-200 armour as a full set bonus to help with that

  • Physical Resist is also lacklustre on it’s own, it’s not bad, but with the needs of the build for damage and RR 30-35% PR is about the best that can be got. That 15-18% on the shield is bloody nice though, but FoI requires you to channel. Which means you need to be able to tank. In theory though this could be ignored if the armour was boosted.

  • Shield Block Rate etc is lacklustre unless you go with Oathkeeper or NE for Shield Maiden etc. Which leads to fun with gear and balancing RR etc. Would be nice to have a bit added to it so it’s more viable to use different masteries. Say a boost to damage blocked instead of block rate?

  • Health - needs some flat or % health, since outside of taking Shaman you’re going to be need to have health boosting affixes on MI’s etc to get enough for SR75-76 even pumping up health+ skills etc. Which in turn is one of the of the issues with this, as health is part of the defensive stuff that allows a build to handle big hits.

  • Energy Regen - it needs some more, as currently it can easily run out of energy unless you pick up energy regen on gear/devotions very quickly. More obvious in SR90-91 though :stuck_out_tongue: Where you absolutely need a energy regen pot in boss shards.

  • No Support for Inquisitor Seal or Sigil of Consumption - FoI requires us to sit still to channel it, and for any Inquisitor based build that means Inquisitor Seal. But this set doesn’t provide any skill points for it, making it hard to get up to the point where you can use it keep you alive. Which when combined with the armour problem is why I’ve died in SR runs when I’ve been mass ganked while sitting in a Seal at 15/12 with Mark of Torment at 12/10… Likewise, no SoC support makes it harder to use that for sustain/crowd murderising.

And to end - probably got something wrong here, like I said, I’m tired as hell ;-; But otherwise Void Soul is proving fun to build craft around and I still have some more abominations brewing. And I’ve happy I worked out how to deal with crowds by adding Fiend to the devotion map, since it’s proc is converted mainly into vitality. Ideally have it bound to FoI, but with no other skill to bind Will of Rattosh in for proccing it reliably Inquisitor Seal procs it well enough.

Especially when you’ve got 3 down :3

This post was brought to by Aesop Rock, featuring Lealani - Bermuda:

Lealani’s voice on this is just “daaaaaaaamn that’s goooood”

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gonna nitpick here and say that’s because of overall build not the set
shoulder, helm, chest all have exactly the same base armour values as other 94 legend heavy armours does

because the set already supports 3 skills directly :sweat_smile:
it’s not supposed to nor is it the norm for direct support sets to also support 2-3 entirely different skills… that’s what your +1 class is for

anyway, personally keep feeling it’s criminal in this age for sets occupying XY “big” armour slot to not also afford phys res
It “could” be debated teh shield covers that, but the counter argument is you could get way more phys res not using that shield, or the same phys res on a similar shield while still getting phys res on several armour pieces.
Unsure what the future holds or where the design direction will lean re enemy phys dmg, but i had that opinion before 1.2, i maintain that opinion after 1.2, and depending on what next update or FoA brings, might just keep feeling some slots blocking out phys res is not awesome :sweat_smile:

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