Wagons carrying coal and gold only stow 1 unit

As per title, wagons only seem to load a single unit of coal or gold. Quantities seem to be normal for other cargoes. Upon loading the included save I had a line of wagons to the coal mine, each taking 1 ore. Mine storage was never below 10.

Save: Dropbox - Harrowdale_2024034023121.rar - Simplify your life

EDIT: So, I’ve given up on my first town at about 800 pop. Unfortunately trying to grow the economy with multiple mines in somewhat distant locations renders the game pretty much busted. Since wagons and villagers only carry single units of ore, clay, and sand, it keeps over 150 labourers constantly busy. Construction projects have seemed to stop, sometimes being left without action for years. This seems random as well, sometimes a section of road would sit until I gave up and deleted the attempted section. Prioritization having no effect. I started a new save to see if the single unit bug was still there, it is. The game is sort of not really playable past the early growth of the town. Really hoping for a patch that fixes this.

wagons in general are a little underwhelming

I have seen this issue before, but it seems to be somewhat random. In a previous game, I have seen the wagon only picking up one iron or gold from the mines, but at other time pick up 3-5 ore (even when there are plenty more in the mine storage). But the very same wagon would stop by every refinery, picking up gold ingots from each, before depositing them all in the vault. I don’t know if there is any rhyme or reason as to how much they pick up or how many stops they make before heading off.
