This is my latest character, a Sky Shard Spellbreaker. I just got done with Ult campaign today, in HC. Things I haven’t done: Ancient Grove, Morgoneth, SR, or Celestials.
I’m curious to hear what the community thinks about my setup. I’m not looking to fix the build, but I’m open to suggestions.
Rly hard for me to judge a build with subpar gear. Guess, thats SSF?
Other than that, health regen is nice, dmg is nice, skils and devotions are fine.
You could try getting more health plus aether and chaos resist.
Funny you found all those “fallen skies” items. Must be fun!
Yeah it’s SSF. The point of the build was to stack as many Sky Fragments as possible. That comes with certain limitations. I can’t really upgrade my weapons and amulet any further. But I will be getting better rings, medal, and armor. I had hoped to farm MI items with Sky Fragments, but I checked the odds, and that’s basically impossible.
What is this gear tho? Did you really just collect all gear pieces because of their suffix? You can farm some easy monster infrequents in MC that will improve your situation a lot. You can also craft good boots and gloves.
Build itself: Spellbreaker is strictly inferior to Druid when it comes to TSS. And dual-wielding is also limiting for TSS Arcanists as massive cooldown reduction is the best thing about them: not only it speeds up their offensive spells like TSS itself, but also all of the defensive stuff like Ghoul/Mirror etc. (btw why no points in mirror).
Same, I’m not even sure what to think. But he’s definitely done a good job piecing it all together with that type of gear. Pretty low armour and phys res are kinda scary, it is a caster tho but still…
Also having a level 75 set at 100 is, uh, suboptimal shall we put it. Why not try for the full Mythical version?
it’s a proc build, cool stuff. i knew about the arcane blaze one, did grimtools and quick gd-edit test for elemental seals, and my first char to finish campaign on ultimate was stacking doom bolt procs. but a sky shard based one is new to me, neat. probably starfires for rings, skyshard spellblades instead of starkeepers? but yeah, when fangs comes out i’d aim for mi’s of fallen skies if we get some sort of affix crafting. think magi mantle or moosi shoulders for instance.
I’d spend more points on the nightblade mastery bar. Indeed mythical Trozan would be better, and I’d probably sacrifice some fallen skies for more set pieces. You’ll get the fallen comet
Components could easily be better, you’re also missing augments on the right hand side. Gloves are very low level. Missing cold rr in the devo setup. Viper’s rr is useless if you don’t attack with weapons (or do you?). Ultos proc would be better. I’d also get a seal of night/skies if you have that available, so you have some magical spam attack to use between the sky shards.
I like the idea though, always wanted to try this, but never had the courage
When I have resources, I craft gloves. No luck on the fallen skies so far. They’re damn expensive to craft. I pick up and sell every single green item. Far as I can tell, that’s the only way to make extra iron. I’m praying the devs add a loot vacuum to the game. Also affinities and sell all buttons for each section of the inventory.
When I’m feeling cranky, I hit the enemies with my Trozan’s Starkeeper to apply Viper. Otherwise I let Hyrian apply it.
The RR devos kinda suck for this build. My damage is cold and lightning so I went for the elemental route. Also I don’t feel like casting extra spells to apply more devos. That’s why I went with Ultos instead of Phoenix.
I was using Devils Crossing medal all the way to 100. Should probably still be using it, but this crafted one gives me red crits every now and then.
Yeah tricky and I just realized why you took the non-mythical set The mythical one doesn’t have extra sky shards.
You could try getting some lighting->cold maybe, but there aren’t many good options either…
Yeah mythical items typically don’t have procs. I think the developers are hinting that this playstyle isn’t mean to be an endgame thing. I’m just seeing how far I can push it.
Conversion would be nice, but each conversion item is 1 less proc. If only Vestment of Mourning had a Sky Fragment on it…
I’ve now killed Gargabol and Morgoneth. The latter took quite a while. I also did SR5. I had enough time, and felt pretty safe. The loot was a bit disappointing. About 2 totems worth, I’d say.
I think this character is about done. I could farm out better versions of the same gear, but I’d rather move on to my next proc build. Maybe chaos bolts…