Want to kill dummy in 22 sec?

Like a title says, this build is a variation of my [] DW Blademaster with 0 physique/spirit (http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47967), that is optimized for fast dummy kill time wile decent lvl of survivability is maintained.

Things that were changed are:

  1. Equipment: belt (reforged chains of oleron), boots (warding exalted thread of survival), medal (mark of divinity), shoulders (ordered Fabius pauldrons of kings) and I got better roll of grasp of unchained might wile gambling for venomblade chest armor.

  2. Most important change occurred in devotion setup, I drooped oleron and took Manticore for acid sprays 30 flat resistance reduction. It works better than black star and its more potent. Also drooped HP node of scales and took living shadow from Unknown soldier.

Result is 23-24 secs average on dummy, best result I could pull was 22 secs.

Kill times are going from 22 to 25 secs, depending on your luck with spawning and operating with living shadows. They are sometimes somehow hard to operate and you have to spam few times pet attack in order to start them hitting dummy, dont know why.

Some pictures of the build:

Weapon atc with constant auras:

Weapon atc tool tip:

Grim calc + devotion: http://grimcalc.com/build/1006-AtlvVf

Despite this setups better dummy kill time I prefer other one due to its capability to cap all resistances, more HP and DA. Only thing I incorporated from here in my original setup is belt change, switched bladebrakers for reforged chains of oleron lost ~100 OA but gained huge dps boost trough flat phys dmg from reforged chains.

Your build and so on let me think how to optimize this character, many thanks for your posts, it was appreciate really.

Mainly for Manticore, i never think about it for -resist, only on poison / acid build, and not to cover what black star made, it will change some devotions on another character maybe :slight_smile:

About the treads everyone have really good roll i never find :slight_smile: There is no blacksmith plan for that or am i wrong ?

I don’t understand the change on belt ?

Im glad to hear that it helped you :slight_smile:

Well you can try with trade but I dont really know, cuz I play self found, but things I do are: mad farming, bulk crafting (bulk crafted threads like more than 3k times and got like ~50 good rolls), and a loot of gambling at Tirants hold BS. Till this point I think I gambled for armor pieces more than 150 times, and I gambled a lot for weapons and jewelry pieces also. I dismantled God know how much epic and legendarys to get rare crafting mats needed for crafting/gambling.
About farming I will just say that I have one mule character full of Golus rings, two of them for Cronley rings and I dint kept them all, just good ones.
And despite all of that I do miss some legendary items and have maybe 10 double rare MIs.

Well mainly because of gap in bleed resistances I used blade beaker stash, chains are much better option cuz flat phys dmg. I didnt really need OA from blade breakers cuz my character has abundance of it so ~100 OA mean much less than ~18 flat phys dmg.
To fill the gape in bleed resistance I bulk crafted reforged chains at Horus (cursed BS), and got ones really good rolled with 6% bleed resistance which was enough to fill the gap.

22 seconds? Gotta do it in under 10, man.


Build looks good, but having under 10k health isn’t really my thing. Why the Mark of Divinity, though? It doesn’t really do anything for you in terms of maximizing your damage output.

Hahaha, cooool, you got even Zant fooled :slight_smile:

Having less than 10k HP is not my thing either, that’s why I stated that I like my other setup more.
Tbh this build with going full offense could pull even better dummy kill time, but I tried to keep some measure of survivability and MOD is giving that plus fear chunk of HP. So this build is playable, I farmed with it vanilla Fabius and Iron Maiden, didnt died even once, but held my finger on BB :slight_smile:

Really sorry about my noob question, i don’t have treads to craft at my Blacksmith, is it normal ? Is it a plan or something ?

you just craft heavy boots at a high enough level.

Are you sure? I think that exalted treads are basic recipe you have from start, no?

Correct. They are crafted from this, available at all blacksmiths:

With 3248 OA, how much percentage of chance to crit when you hit dummy ?
It’s huge OA :slight_smile:

That OA is high but not huge, using different gloves, belt shoulders I even upped OA to more than 3,6 k that’s huge :wink:

I hate it that it is vitually impossible to build a high end dual wield melee char w/o dual blades. That skill is overpowered :frowning:

Actually it’s possible…

Here’s the Dual Wielding Warder build :

You can check this :

and this :


Not at all, there is plenty of possibilities to make high end dual wielder without nightblade class.

With 3,6k, I think it almost always crit, isn’t it?
Yeah it’s really huge :cool:

No, actually having that amount of OA is pretty much useless considering the sacrifices you need to make to achieve it, cuz on so high values OA suffers from diminishing returns, so crit chance on dummy is less than 40% (i dont remember actual value, when I grab a chance I will test it again). Only good thing about that is high crit multiplayer.

I have a melee Elementalist myself and it can kill a dummy in 40sec. And of course it is viable I just hate the fact that for max dummy kill speed you need nightblade dual blades chance to double attack.

Not really, w/o living shadow, and blade spirit/blades of wrath combo dummy kill time is on 33 sec. Without dual blade line, in this case without execution cuz its only thing that im using from dual blades line, your dummy kill time goes on 26 secs.
So its not just one thing that makes your dummy kill time so fast its a combination of them all.
Personally I think that acid spray, nights chill and assassins mark coupled with high OA, that means high crit chance have biggest influence.

I wonder if there’s OA’s magic number for max chance to crit on boss
Will 3300 OA hit cap on bosses ?

It’s not so much about hitting the crit cap but about having big diminishing returns after 3000 OA. At 3000 OA you are doing great and if you can get this number or surpass it with procs and get 3200-3400OA without gimping your character then it’s great.

So the magic number can be considered 3000 OA