Warcraft-Diablo Classes

Hi there Grimms,
I’m an huge fan of Warcraft and Diablo and i’m looking to recreate the classes of those games ( i miss the Lycan so much)
Is anyone working on something like that? or just interested in making some kind of project?

I used to mod some games when i was younger and before having a job, I’m a bit rusty now but i’m ready to study the mod tool if someone would jump with me :smiley:

We’ve got a few tutorials in the tutorial section, Ceno made a full hour long video describing the process to help you get started.

“Diablo” you mean only the first one or all the trilogy? I’ve already made a DH Class from D3, and I’m working on the Witch Doctor now. From Diablo II there’s 2 mods with Necromancers on it.

“Diablo” you mean only the first one or all the trilogy? I’ve already made a DH Class from D3, and I’m working on the Witch Doctor now. From Diablo II there are 2 mods with Necromancers on it.

I’d love to see a Druid… without the shapeshifting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can still be done via exclusive auras though to be completely honest…

Or Diablo 2 LoD : Median XI . . .XD :wink:

best mod ever, period

Little teaser

That’s a funky looking tree, are those skills that have 2 prerequisites?

Nice Paladin.

Some of those look familiar…

This earlier state of my mod.
I tried to make the paladin skill tree as much as possible close to the original mechanics on GD templates.

I would love to see a Bowazon with a 15 arrow Multi Arrow skill, mowing down mobs.

That would, of course, require Bows to be in the game. Is this, at all, a possibility?



Hardest part would be adding animations.

Not sure anyone has been able to mod that far into GD yet. We have 0 information on how to do that, so… it’s trial and error for modders and no one has the time for that.

And I cry… Back to D2 and my luckless Summoner Necromancer walkthrough.

Thanks ASYLUM.


That looks awesome.

I might learn how to install a mod just for the old hammerdin build :smiley:

Check here: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=444623&postcount=13

Thank you! :slight_smile: