[Warlock] Gildam Archmage Aether/Chaos Caster [V1.0.0.6 HC]

Do you like caster build? Do you like causing massive AoE on enemies?
If so… Welcome to the Gildam Arcanum, learn to be Archmage of the Silver Tower, keeper of the cosmic force. This is yet another caster build which use Blood Orb of Ch’thon to convert elemental damage on Callidor’s Tempest ,Devastation and celestial powers like Aetherfire. In order to fully optimize for aether/chaos, Clairvoyant set is a perfect match.




[INDENT][INDENT]Base skills http://grimcalc.com/build/i136Tne
Base skills + Bonuses http://grimcalc.com/build/hCGPnvL[/INDENT][/INDENT][/LEFT]

[LEFT][INDENT][INDENT]CONCEPT OF THE BUILD[/INDENT][/INDENT][/LEFT][LEFT][INDENT][INDENT]-Aether and chaos as main damage types with very little bit of vitality
-Full caster, built around The Clairvoyant set
-Use Callidor’s Tempest as the main damaging skill it’s best combo with Doombolt and Devastation because it has % weapon damage which can take advantage of lifesteal and % damage reduction, it’s also requires low skill points, 16 points + 1 point in modifier is enough.



[INDENT][INDENT]- Callidor’s Tempest + Inferno (AoE)

  • Devastation (Single Target/AoE)
  • Maiven’s Sphere of Protection + Conversion (Damage Absorption/CC Reduction)
  • Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange + Modifiers (Buff)
  • Nullification (Debuff)
  • Mirror of Ereoctes (Escape)
  • Solael’s Witchfire + Second Rite (Buff)
  • Dreeg Evil Eye + Transmuter (Debuff)
  • Blood of Dreeg (HP Regen/Buff)
  • Doombolt (Single Target)
  • Possession (Buff/Damage Absorption)
  • Aether-Ward Aura from Purified Salt
    “I use 2 Clairvoyant’s Wands with different component ready to swap when I’m on the rush I’ll use one with Chaos Strike, when going to fight bosses I’ll use one with Bloodthirster”
  • Bloodthirster (Buff) from Haunted Steel
  • Chaos Strike (Mobility) from Riftstone


-Clairvoyant’s Hat

-Clairvoyant’s Mantle

-Clairvoyant’s Robe


-Empowered Legplates of Valor/Dreeg-Sect Legguards

-Golemborn Greaves/Wraithwalkers

-Clairvoyant’s Wand

-Blood Orb of Ch’thon

-Avatar of Mercy

-Black Star of Deceit/Badge of Mastery with Callidor’s Tempest/Maiven’s/Blood of Dreeg bonuses

-Band of the Eternal Haunt/Screams of the Aether/Incorruptible MI rings

-Phantom-Thread Girdle

-Agrivix’s Malice



Jewelry : Breath of Life/Survivor’s Ingenuity/Kymon’s Will

Weapon & Focus: Outcast’s Wrath

Armors(Head/Chest/Legs/Shoulders/Hands/Waist): Bladeward Powder

Armors(Feet): Venomguard Powder


[INDENT][INDENT]Once again I chose Tree of Life as one of my constellation, it has a good combo with Blood of Dreeg, Clairvoyance (granted skill when equip 4 Clairvoyant pieces) and Scales of Ulcama. With Blood Orb of Ch’thon, I can convert fire damage on aetherfire and lightning damage from Arcane Bomb to chaos damage. Alternatively you can try Aeon’s Hourglass but you’ll lose many HP and healing.

Devotion Route

[ul]1 point in Primordial Crossroad

[ul]Complete Imp (Aetherfire assigned to Callidor’s Tempest then to Devastation later on)

[ul]Complete Hawk Crossroad

[ul]Complete Widow (Arcane Bomb assigned Olexra’s Flash Freeze, after switched Aetherfire to Devastation, assign this to Callidor’s Tempest)

[ul]Remove Primordial Crossroad

[ul]1 point in Order Crossroad

[ul]Complete Tortoise

[ul]Complete Lion

[ul]Complete Panther Crossroad

[ul]Complete Scales of Ulcama

[ul]Complete Sailor’s Guide Crossroad

[ul]Complete Lizard

[ul]Complete Tree of Life

[ul]1 point in Chaos Crossroad

[ul]3 points in Obelisk of Menhir (5% DA/150Armor)


3 points in Spirit, the rest goes to Physique


[INDENT][INDENT]Pick up Callidor’s Tempest and Olexra’s Flash Freeze, use this combo up to ultimate difficulty.
Level 20

Going 50 in Arcanist, temporary use Reckless Power until we can get a hand on Possession later on.
Level 40

Take Occultist for Blood of Dreeg and work your way to Possession.
Level 60

Level 70

Remove OFF and Reckless Power for Doombolt and Possession.
Level 80[/INDENT][/INDENT]


Walk straight or Chaos Strike to group of enemies cast Devastation/Doombolt on the center of enemy group, spam Callidor’s Tempest between cooldown of Devastation/Doombolt. Constantly use Focused Gaze on high physical damage-dealing enemies. When your Hp drop too much use Blood of Dreeg or potions, keep Mirror of Ereoctes as your last resort.[/INDENT][/INDENT]


[INDENT]Why did you have to give me 5 Light’s Defender Gauntlets but no other parts of the set :mad: [/INDENT]

Unfortunately Aetherfire cannot be assigned to OFF.

Sent from my SM-G900T3 using Tapatalk

Saw your video before you posted th build. Very solid. Looks like a walk in the park in crucible. That CD reduction by n seconds though is it from hourglass alone?

Saw your video before you posted the build. Very solid. Looks like a walk in the park in crucible. That CD reduction by n seconds what item does that? I didn’t see any Gildam Arcanum affix on your build. Your Devastation and Doom Bolt recharge quickly.

Edit: Just noticed the 10% chance 100% reduced cooldown.

You are right!! It can’t be assigned to OFF. :undecided:

I did not actually take Imp early on, I think switch Aetherfire to CT and Arcane Bomb to OFF instead would do it or put 1 point in TSS and assign to it until you can get Devastation.

It’s not really that easy. In the video it seem easy so, but I was really on the edge of my seat when I was fighting 2 Valdarans. There’s also many possibilities that could go wrong like Fabius and Ironmaiden with nasty weapons. Sentinel is also another one that give me trouble. I usually farm on challenger as it is less stress and smoother than gladiator.

2x Valdaran is indeed a nasty combination. Also Fabius and Iron Maiden. Sometimes I tanked them with no problem and once i just died. I just don’t get the tiem to play enough to farm Gladiator consistently.

Thank you for the idea with callenger. I never considered for whatever reason trying challenger (probably because mobs die so easily and then Gladiator seems hard and I have to get use dto it agai)to get the items i need and tributes for Gladiator. How are drops for you on challenger? Worth the time?

Challenger is worth it. With a really solid build you can clear waves 100-150 in roughly 30 minutes. You might not get as many legs as on Gladiator but still up to 5 or 6 per run, sometimes less.

I thought around 7 is what you get on Gladiator. 5-6 sounds Generous for Challenger never got that many. Maybe 3 at wave 150.

The average legendary drops are 5+ items from wave 100-150, usually take 20 minutes. Then I do wave 130-150 again 3 times, average legendary drops are 4 items per time, usually take 10 minutes per time. So about 50-60 minutes, I can farm about 18-20 legendary items, a tons of Green MI from jewelry, weapons to armors and many epic items.

Well, it avarages at about 4 items but with some RNG it’s up to 5 or 6 and never less than 3.

Just did Challenger 5 times. 1 legendary per run. Got 2 just once. Don’t know what crucible you guys play but i want one

Praise the RNGesus more i guess. :smiley: Did 4 runs up to 150 with extra spawn today and got 11 legs out of it. To be fair, I had times with only one too, but it should be rather uncommen. On the other hand, I died the other 5 runs on the 150th wave. :frowning: fml

1 Legendary for one run must be quite uncommon as I haven’t encounter that yet, at least I always get 2+, but usually 3-5 is the common sight.

finally I get to see another warlock use Clairvoyant’s set except mine.
but trying it out in HC? man, you are bold, thumb up for you.

5mins33 for the 141-150 waves as a caster, impressive !

Strange that ABCbarbecue didnt call you a cheater yet. :stuck_out_tongue:


really nice fight on 150

Valdaran is a nightmare to caster build, except sorcerer who got blast shield on

you roll 2 Valdaran at 150 with a caster build in hardcore!

need tons of life regen and life convert when resis got lower

funny I didn’t call anybody cheater. you are mistaken me as somebody else.

Though, your video was quite impressive

Heya thanks for the build :slight_smile:

Just some very basic questions , fairly new to playing .

I am going Duncan for smith .

When I reach Homestead is Kymon’s or Death’s the one to choose .

I don’t have much of the eq to play it end game , I do have the blood orb of Cthon though . So will have a lot of farming to do .

I have not played this kind of build before so any advice to what Relic I should use while levelling would be great , thanks :slight_smile:

Probably more to ask but thats all I can think of right now , cheers .

I chose Kymon’s just for this augment alone and it worth it, using Callidor’s Tempest which have 50% weapon damage at level 24+, every cast of Callidor’s Tempest has 15% chance to reduces enemies damage by 5% for 5 seconds.

For starting relic, go with Calamity +OA is a big deal, plus you get a chance to shoot out fireballs. Haunt is another good leveling relic, you can use it all the way to level 85. Until you can craft Wrath of Agrivix, Haunt is pretty much it.