
So three things I just want to share that I kind of feel like they are important…

1.: Every since the very early stages of the game it had issues with things close to water. This persists to this day.
This stone has been sitting there on prio for 30 years now… not funny… Please can we finally fix this?

2.: So another things… I would like to click upgrade on buildings whenever I wish not just when I finally have all the rrs ready… I want to build multiple things but I have to wait for a whole year sometimes just to click one button. Its kind of annoying and makes the game slow… Not sure this is intended but with normal build sites it works just fine so why not here?

Also for upgrades… I have asked this before but it never got answered. Fix the housing upgrades! When building new houses the people living there bring in the weirdest stuff and I just want them to upgrade quickly! I have all the food but they bring lets say berries only and I cant upgrade. Also let us finally click individual houses to upgrade when we want to instead of having one general button for it.

3.: Slow slow people everywhere…
I understand that we cant have people running around all day. But! The guys and gals taking take of animals are having major issues when said animal go for a stroll because they are scared. Ive tried putting fences around them but they still run off and then my folks are just taking a stroll after them. Ive had it now that one cow has been running away for 4 years and refused to be captured because the caretaker is a slowpoke while the cow is breaking the speed limits! Please fix this and let the caretaker run for once.

State of Early Access #6

Ok one quick add for I found another thing just now. My soldiers refuse to get propper armor~ Archers and figthers both refuse to wear anything unless this is no longer shown in the tooltips. Usually it was… It says they can wear chainmail but they arent doing it…