Water Wolves

Latest update, the map icon indicating Fish (the bonus fishing spot icon) has been replaced with the one showing Wolves unless hovered over by the cursor, where it becomes Fish again, until no longer hovered over by cursor, when it returns to showing Wolves.
Very funny, as it seems like wolves enjoy swimming, I guess?
Occurs across maps and new map generations.

Apparently we got issues with stuff spawning in the water still… But apparently also there is a new type of animal that can spawn in the water… The mythical water wolves! Wolf Dens spawning in the water… lol

Never had this problem in any of the 0.9 playtest versions, but today rerolled a dozen Lowland Lakes maps, and half of them had aquaferous Wolves.
Incidentally, this is an All or Nothing problem: no map had a mix of wolves and fish on the water tiles, every map had either all of one or the other.

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Ditto. All or nothing fish or water wolves.

Mes villageois se transforment en loup-garou quand ils meurent :

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