Waterfalls when reflections = very high

For a long time I’ve known there was a visual glitch around waterfalls, but only today looked a little closer. It occurs only when reflections are set to “very high”. Waterfalls are then reflected by water in impossible ways. This produces a weird illusion of water flowing quickly upstream.
I’m attaching 2 examples. The first one a player sees is on his way to fight Viloth.

Another, more pronounced occurrence I saw on the way to Hallowed Hill.

I decided to report this even though it’s unlikely to be fixed at this point. Just like shadows = low not working properly. But maybe at least rename this reflections setting from “very high” to “too high”.


Interesting… (never noticed this before)

  • Went ahead and lowered my Reflections setting to High

Thanks Res :+1:

To better illustrate this, waterfalls seem to reflect what’s under them back on top of themselves. Here’s a character with effects and runes cast under the waterfall in Blood Grove.

All the efects end up appearing above the waterfall when cast underneath.


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