We Want You for the Praetorians!

Submissions are now closed.

You may have heard that a thing called Forgotten Gods is actively in testing.

In light of this, we would like to expand the ranks of the Closed Testing Group (also known as the Praetorians on the forum) in the coming weeks.

When we invite new playtesters, we are generally looking for members of the Grim Dawn community that are active and make a positive contribution. We do not base this entirely on knowledge of the game or its mechanics as we prefer a wide range of experiences from the newbies to the experts.

That said, we are looking for some enthusiastic players to help us in the final stretch of the Forgotten Gods journey to release. To apply, PM me before 01/14/19 with the subject line: I Have What it Takes to be a Praetorian!

Now, before you think “it’s just that easy?!”, you must also tell me exactly why you think you’d be a great Praetorian and just what about the upcoming Forgotten Gods expansion has you most pumped!

So…do you have what it takes?

Applying (obviously) does not guarantee that you will receive an invite. We may also extend invitations to users that did not apply based on our own ideas of what members of the community we think would be good candidates.

Submissions are now closed.

Nah, I don’t have time for that. It would be fun, but you know, if you come home from work, eat something, open your PC, check e-mail, other (less)important stuff, and then go to the gym to kill yourself hard and then come back and think “I wanna eat” and then you eat and after that you just want to eat more and go to bed… yeah…

Would be fun to kill weekends, as they’re mostly just about sitting on my ass doing nothing or baking stuff, but the issue in that is I am bored as heck of games. Not that GD is boring to me, it is not. Just the time in life when your body tells you that playing games is a waste of time and you feel like shit playing them.

PS: You pointed me, specifically to be the tester, so I had to answer. Ignoring a request is a dick move. I mean, my whole life is about being a dick, but you know, we’re a family here.

It’s a shame that i don’t have as much time to game, as like to have. That’s what you get when you have a son, but it’s certainly worth it. :wink:

Can I apply again and become double Praetorian?

It just cancels out.

So triple Praetorian is the way to go. Gotcha :cool:

Confirmed being a praetorian is negative. :eek:

I’m kidding. Its great once the Stockholm syndrome kicks in.

deletes written private message

N-nevermind then.

To everyone else, please do apply if you have the time and passion to spare! We’ve actually been itching for some new playtesters to work with.

Am I not good enough!?!

man I thought we had something special… FeelsBadMan

Thanks, but I will pass.

Well i did apply but i have to pass the trial of judgment before entering your ranks. Let’s see how it goes…

I hear it goes better if you buy the judging hat dlc.

I wish you luck and prosperity sir!

Ty! Long life & prosperity @ ceno : If the judging hat comes with a physical copy then i will buy it. It would make my outfit even better.

I will mention that following instructions is a key part to being a good Praetorian too. :smiley:

To some of you that sent PMs already, take that as you will.

What? The 5 new ones we got in April aren’t enough for you! Some people are never satisfied. :smiley:

Whoever you turn out to be we look forward to working with you.

That’s a nice idea! Good luck to all wannabe-pretorians :slight_smile:

Ok, so how much dedication (in time) you expect from Praetorians? Is 10~15 hours per week enough?

I was waiting for the expansion release to come back full force to GD, but playing and giving feedback for the beta of FG seems even better, so I might apply depending on the answer to the above questions.

Joining the playtesters is purely voluntary. The only expectations we set are that you do not share your inside knowledge on upcoming content outside of the testing group.

It is not a requirement that you play any number of hours, but odds are if you’re itching to see the content early and help test it that you want to spend at least some time checking it out! :smiley:

All we ask is that you share your thoughts and report any issues you run into while checking out the content in testing.

jk… there is no time “requirement”… if you get accepted play as you can and submit feedback based off what they are looking for as “detailed” in the private playtester forum and submit bug reports if you find bugs.