Weapon Damage: How to select Main Hand / Off hand Damage

I am trying to make some skill use Weapon DamagePercent.
In game the tooltip of the skill will say “%Weapon Damage” instead of “Main Hand damage” and it will use base weapon damage but without the modifiers from character stats (cunningbonus…etc).
How can I make the skill use Main Hand damage and scale with character stats ?
Also I know we can make a skill only available for shield in qualifying weapons but how to make it use off-hand damage instead of main hand damage ?

I don’t think that’s possible.

But is it normal that% Weapon damage doesn’t scale with cunning and doesn’t seem to apply attack damage converted to health for example (only %main hand and %off hand damage does)?

That is weird, does the skill have weapon requirements? What is the template?

Skillbuff_debuff or skill_buffattackradiuslightning

Perhaps those skill types aren’t intended to be used with weapon damage? That would really suck but if you say its not scaling properly with cunning…

Maybe as they are buff type.Also it’s possible to make these templates cast a skill (100% on attack) that scales with weapon damage but the proc will also be triggered when the player attack the ennemy with any attack so it’s not the same.