Weapon switch builds. Who's got 'em?

Weapon swap with dual Bloodlord’s Vengeance (And Virtue’s Gaze). Yes, there are uses… though I would pick a better weapon swap than a yellow from Devil’s Crossing :slight_smile:

The problem remains, however, that any active skills, in my case, Burning Weapons, will reset, so that must be taken into account, but with passives only…

Clunky, as @Gnomish_Inquisition said;
Use @tqFan’s GD Autocaster?

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Yes indeedy! This had been on my mind too :slight_smile: Same with the scepter that adds 2s to Call of the Grave for necros etc…

This is not true, the only thing that is preserved on a weaponswap is duration, cooldown and the skill level. Skill modifier buffs are not preserved. If you don’t believe me, take any reaper. dualwield bargol’s core, open your third character page (to see physres), cast call of the grave (you will see your physres increase), then swap and see bonus physres drop. What’s interesting that the moment you swap back the physres will increase again.

I’ve played some builds that utilise weaponswap, but in my experience it’s important not to be full overboard with it. I think the only builds that actually get better by having weaponswap are some of the arcanists that swap for mirror duration.

The best example is this build by mad_lee [] Green Lantern: 5:45m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, easy SR 75-76 Aether Lightning caster Spellbinder [vid][c+][sr+].

The build already has a lot of bonus skillpoints in devastation that it can’t use because of a 2hander and almost has permanent mirror-mark uptime and it doen’t use any permanent auras. If you want, you can turn it into a weaponswap build, for example doing something like this Spellbinder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator . Now it will have permanent mark-mirror cycle and capped devastation.

This is interesting because I tried it with a putrid necklace’s crit chance to blood of dreeg… Maybe it only applies like this to team buffs?

Might be the case. It makes sense that team buffs should preserve all their stats (since if you die or log off your team should still have the buff for its duration).

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Other thought is, maybe it only applies it to non-weapon boosts. Putrid necklace isn’t a weapon, so maybe it wasn’t coded in to take it off the buff when it’s ‘switched out’? I’ll double check it…