Apparantely GD doesn’t want me playing it, first losing all my stuff after a format, now lost a couple hours of progression, however in the weirdest way. My char was rolled back to 42, Elite and Challenger not unlocked, etc HOWEVER my quests are completed, including Log, so I can’t progress any further. I’ve also lost rep, items, devo points. Cloud saves are off. WTF?
That does sound really weird…no guarantee but Crate might ask you to send in your char if there’s no other possible reason why on earth this has happened.
quest progress is not stored in the same file as items, level etc. so this is at least theoretically possible. Never had any issues myself however.
I’d keep a copy of the dir in case Crate wants to look into this and use a tool to unlock Elite again.
I have experienced the same problem two days in a row now.
Playing in the evening and the next time I start the game I’ve lost 1-2 levels, map exploration, devotion point spent and reputation is lost.
Basically what I did in the previous game session.