Were drops always this... voluminous?

It’s been a while since I played Grim Dawn, since about 2019 I think.
Decided to come back and take it for a another spin and took one of my old characters in Ultimate for a quick spin to refamiliarize myself before starting a new character.
I did like maybe 1/3 of act 1 and was drowning in legendaries, epics and an ocean of green items. Was it always like this? I remember at least legendaries being way more rare.
The monster totems were new to me and I could see that they’re largely responsible for these massive drops, but even without them it seemed like way more than back in the day.
Weird thing to complain about I guess. I just liked a bit more when good quality loot was scarce. Made it actually exciting when it dropped.

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The recent 1.2 patch adjusted loot by (1) reducing loot quantity substantially and (2) increasing loot quality substantially.

There’s actually less loot, it’s just that the loot is better when it does drop.

In addition, MIs from bosses have a guarantee to drop one. If they have multiple possible MIs, it’s just a guarantee to drop one, rather than the particular one you want. In practice, this is mostly a buff to farming, such that it’s way less tedious now.

Overall, I’d say the recent loot changes aren’t either a buff or nerf to gameplay, but they are a big buff to quality of life. If you dislike the changes, the devs have said they’d support a way for people to go back to if they want to. Overall, I would recommend the 1.2 patch, but it’s up to you.

Totems have been in the game for quite awhile now, so if the problem is totems, you can’t turn those off by going back to the previous patch.

Interesting, thanks for the rundown.
I don’t think I would go back to a previous patch and skip all the other improvements and changes.
Guess I’ll just have to crank up the item filter to the max.

there is more loot
significantly more
yes you’re drowning in epics and legends, and aside from updates since 2019 being part of it, totems themselves are also part of it; they are straight up loot pinatas
and i’m pretty sure the latest patch 1.2 increased their epic item payout (think someone did a 9.8 vs 1.2 comparison and directly confirmed it on the discord iirc)

Yeah, I get it’s difficult to strike the perfect drops balance to keep most people happy, but this definitely feels like it went a bit too far in the generous direction. After a few hours I’m not even looking at the items anymore, just vacuuming them up.

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Hi everybody! I’m still relatively new to the game. That would be my question. I would like to farm an item. (the crimson claw ) The Crimson Claws - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database (grimtools.com) I don’t quite understand how to farm this item. Can this item only drop in Ancient Grove? Or from anywhere, whether from totems or mobs? Thanks for the helpful answers. Have a nice day

RNG, drops from anything anywhere level relevant
Grimtools will list a source at the bottom of an item if it has a source, "dropped from, sold by, has blueprint"etc
if there is none such mention it’s 100% RNG and you have to farm whatever is good at spitting out legends
*expansion tag is not a source, just means it needs to be installed, will still drop in base game zones and FG zones

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Thanks for the quick response

I have a drop/farm related question.

My Ultos elementalist is not Lokkar viable yet, so I do not want to make any more characters until I can have the set. That means that I have to grind for better equipment. I can farm comfortably SR 50-51 on Elite, or perhaps 55-56. Not sure how high I can go on Normal. I am yet to try to push it. I can clear 50-51 on Ultimate, but it is a slow (or down to crawl sometimes) and I die form time to time, so it’s not really farming.

The question is what is better for fast legendary farm: higher level Normal (75?) or 50-51 Elite? Or perhaps 45-46 Ultimate? Crucible is too hard - I died on 150 challenger so 170 is a no-go. I could probably clear lower Gladiator but that gives poor loot from what I know. On top, Crucible is not my cup of tea. I’ve tried ancient totems of all kinds. Easy to clear but too RNG for my liking. I think my best bet to get better gear is SR.

Do you already have Ultos set and cannot beat Lokarr? :thinking:

Nope. I have 2 pieces. Luckily the weapon and the cuirass. I need more.
Lokkar already handed me my ass 10 times. I came very close to killing him once, after 10 mins of agony.

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