I read the instructions on how to create a bug ticket but unfortunately I dont have access to the Fangs of Asterkarn Beta but I think I found a bug in the livestream of RektByProtoss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7MX9uPWByU.
I asked him to activate the modifier that converts 100% of WWs pierce damage to chaos and test whether the %pierce dmg buff from Recklessness-Skill of the WW would increase his chaos damage while transformed. I think this is intended to happened but in the stream it didnt count and his chaos damage % bonus stayed the same. Im not 100% sure if this supposed like it is or whether its an actual bug.
Since werewolf is a skill itslef and therefore all the pierce damage of the skill will be converted to chaos, I think at least it should count. Just from a logic side of view - they implement 100% chaos conversion but the buffs dont count for it… doesnt make that much sense in my opinion but lets see.
like i said, it wont display if it’s converted, doesnt’ work that way
aside from general rule of global %dmg (the stuff appearing in char sheet 2) never being converted
there is a second “rule” that GD tooltips can be a bit jank and wont display everything or the whole truth.
So even if it’s direct skill conversion you still wont see it changed in skill tree, this is currently totally normal
*if it’s direct skill dmg it will apply, just wont be “shown” because technically it doesnt’ get converted it’s applied before conversion happens
**i’m unsure if Protoss actually covers this, but he has a lengthy video going in details about GD conversions/how conversion works and is applied in GD, so it might be showcased there
(Kinda scooped by Zantai after I started typing, but here’s a longer blather about these mechanics.)
I don’t really know if this is “working as intended,” but it’s at least working consistently with how other stuff in the game already works.
The general rule for conversion of +% damage is:
+% damage that is part of a skill that does damage applies to that skill’s damage, even if it is converted to another type.
Global +% damage, as Gnomish_Inquisition and Zantai pointed out above, doesn’t work with conversion, and only applies to damage that is of its type after all conversion.
The transformation skills are:
A global buff, that you have for as long as you are transformed.
Subskills that do damage, that you can use for as long as you are transformed.
Recklessness is part of the buff - you have the stats from the node as part of your character’s global stats as long as you are transformed. Like Zantai says, +% damage on buffs doesn’t get converted. This is equivalent to Putrid Necklace not causing the +% Elemental Damage on IEE to turn into +% Acid Damage.
By contrast, Voracity is part of the Feral Claws subskill, which is a skill that does damage, not a buff. So the +% Pierce Damage on Voracity will apply to Feral Claws damage that is converted from Pierce to Chaos. This is equivalent to the +% Fire and Lightning Damage on the Infernal Purge node for FoI applying to Chaos and Vitality damage if you take the Tainted Flame transmuter.
Sure since these arent affected by any damage change. Hopefully this will become counterbalanced with gear. Otherwise there is no real reason to play another WW than bleed/pierce