Also i am quite bored with my “battlemage” (tanky as hell, destroying everything) so i would like to start more challenging character (preferably ranged). Or if you are going to say battlemage, you can give me some tips how to make battlemage more fun…
This used to be really fun until Blade Spirit was nerfed. Never had such quick clear speeds through Veteran & Elite. Unfortunately I hit Ultimate right before the nerf so I never knew its true potential.
You are playing a sword and board battlemage with next to no active skills. Of course you are bored. Something with more active abilities besides a panic button would be a good start.
(its not the OP’s version bit another from page 8 with Olexras Flash Freeze added. You end up with Callidor tempest and Devastation at 26/16, OFF at 22/12,about 1200% aether dmg and 2980-3010 OA)
I highly suggest to anyone to use it
You need 3 cores items for it tho : aldanars vanity offhand + warpfire dagger + outcast helm (and albrechts duality ring to a lesser degree for even more cooldown reduction madness). Build sucks without the three of them.
You have screenwide instantcast clear (on ultimate 85 mobs) on 1 key + a spammable short radius high dmg skill, and tons of ridiculous procs all over the place + really cool visuals (trail of green aetherfire + aetherfire themed armors). You are also constantly surrounded by huge meteor shower with nice sound effects. it’s really satisfying
Hey OP, your build does indeed look extremely boring but you can easily fix that.
Ditch the shield, grab yourself a big 2H weapon that focuses on bleeding and switch to blade arc. Still wont be the most fun build ever but you can pretty much do this immediately once you find the gear.