What do I need to know before getting into ELITE?


Hello everyone, I have just started playing Grim Dawn.
I have now finished act 6. I still need to get into that guy’s portal and see what the last part is about.
Having experience with Diablo I have decided to make my first character on HARDCORE mode, that said I was wondering if there was something I should know before getting to elite.

Also I’m wondering how many shrines I should have by the end of normal mode.

Thank you.

Welcome to the game and to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

When you move up to Elite the top row of your resistances will take a 25% hit. When you move on to Ultimate later the top row will take another 25% and the bottom row will take a 25% as well. Also as you gain more negative rep with the hostile factions you’ll eventually reach Nemesis status with them, triggering their special Nemesis bosses to spawn.

At th end of Normal difficulty with both expansions you should have 47. Elite has 51 and Ultimate 59.

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should have is not equal to the number of available shrines. Max devotion points you can get is 55. I try to aim for 35 - 40 devotion points after normal.

Depends how you like to play. I always like to get all of them in Normal (even the horrible Port Valbury one) because then I can get max devotion points quicker in Elite.

Where can I see my reputation? I’ve been wondering that ALL GAME.

Also, I am currently sitting at 31 devotion points without the emissary’s portal.

Hopefully I find more there. :slight_smile:

Also, how will I get to Port Valbury? I see it on the map, ia it through the emissary’s rift?

By default J key opens faction window. And you get to Port Valbury by using a hidden rift east of Homestead.
Looks like you’ve hijacked somebody else’s thread though. Should’ve made your own.

What do you mean? I made this thread.

reputation button (J is default key)

You need to blow up this barrier

location on the map

beware of the aether ground that can zap your life…

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Hah, my bad. Thought it was someone else.

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Another thing to know: here difficulty shift on Elite/Ultimate is more progressive and less of a wall which it was in Diablo 2 (for me).

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The first act in Ultimate is definitely easier than the end of FG and AoM in elite imo

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Thank you for the comments everyone, I’ll be looking at all of this today. :slight_smile:

PocketRocket has survived the Port Valbury rogue dungeon.
Thank you everyone. :slight_smile:


:grava_yes: Well done!

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While they mentioned above what the actual key was don’t forget that, like in most every game ever made for PC, you have an options screen. Within that options screen you have a Keybindings tab…

…which contains everything you need to know. Plus if you would have looked just a leeetle bit closer at your skillbar area…

…you would have also found what you needed.

I appreciate your suggestion. To be honest I DID look through the configurations, but when I was looking for it the keyword reputation is what I was looking for, not faction.

Thanks tough!

Fair enough… also worth mentioning that you can access an in-game help by hitting “H”: