What doth approacheth?!


It’s Alive!!

Seriously cool stuff though.

Sir I believe that’s an obelisk. I don’t know why you’d ask here on the forum when it’s in the file name. Geez.

What the hell are you talking about?

Heh it was in response to the thread title.

I think he was poking fun at Aledog’s post title in the form of a question as you can see the creatures name in the file name. :wink:

It is indeed an obelisk - an aetherial obelisk to be precise. It is an abomination formed out of earth and the flesh of unlucky creatures absorbed into it. At it’s core is a giant crystal imbued with vast aetherial energy. The purpose of the obelisk is to transform portions of the world to be more suitable for aetherial habitation.

God damnit I want this game. <3

normally I’d smite any abomination but if it makes the world look cooler then I may just let it live. Then again this aetherial energy…I wish to harness its power!

If those hooked tentacle thingies don’t shoot out, hook the player and yank them into melee range I’m gonna be disappointed.

On second thought…God, I hope they don’t do that. lol

Ah sounds like my favorite Dungeons and Dragons monster! The Living Wall. :wink:

Good job!

I looks like a Grim Dawn Christmas tree :smiley:

Oh my… /love!

So, you are telling me, the brown matter is human flesh? Oh boy…and the skulls?! YEAH! Perfect!!

As Cavar mentioned, what would be its attack style/animation, medierra, please?


It looks somewhat lovecraftian! 0_0 Me likes! Very nice job. ^^

great design! and description.

i assume we will be able to destroy them right? will they be like the dark obelisks in TQ or will they add up to the scenery?

That thing looks awesome! I hope the in-game version can look that good.

I also like the lore tidbit, sounds like its shaping up nicely.

Didn’t see this thread because of the hud thread:). I love the concept, and generally how the atmosfer will be dark and gruesome… love it.

Lol, I thought it had something to do with my post, I was really confused…

Badass style :stuck_out_tongue:
Like: +1

I also like, nice art and style

Nice! Can’t wait to see what you guys have in mind for it’s animation/behavior.