What is the future of Grim Dawn? Also what is the first DLC I should get?

24th May Stream:

"DarkOmeh : do you have a date at least when you think to announce that you start working for GD2? @CrateEntertainment

If we started working on Grim Dawn 2 we would not tell you until we are well along with Grim Dawn 2."


I expect the same for any expansion. Given that they’re fully committed to supporting FG post release, working on the Xbox and the new town builder I doubt there’s much time for anything else atm. Zantai did say he was beginning to ramp up on another possible project a while back.

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That would be weird and out of place. I mean, there are zero Aetherials in the FG map, why would he show up in the rogue dungeon?

I have wanted a follow up to that ever since i found out you could release him, but i don’t think the FG rogue dungeon is the place for that.

Yeah I know. I just wanted the closing of that story.

me too. i think its gonna be really weird if hagarrond’s story only continues on gd2. since that implies player’s choice in gd1 on releasing him or not doesn’t matter (as in gd2 ‘tailored the story without your input’ in gd1). i really doubt that crate would imitate good old bioware’s story continuation system between games. so hagarrond’s whole story is going to be inconsistent and kinda forced imo.

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