is it my lack of builder expertise/imagination; that makes me unable to understand why and what the reason or purpose for this Smite conversion modifier is?
It’s clearly an Oathkeeper stick, and it already has bonuses to Righteous Fervor too
which then, on an Acid build, stands to reason you’d already take the RF transmuter (Dreeg’s Reproach) since RF gives a bunch of flat phys vs burn, - which then already covers the phys dmg conversion on Smite…
Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense, rather than wasted (double) conversion, the modifier converted the fire potion of Smite; so you’d atleast get partial conversion on that?/some form of conversion that was actually useful?
Isn’t the RF transmuter converting fire to vitality? You will likely want to avoid it in final build. For leveling doesn’t really matter in my opinion.
yep, but it converts all physical 100% to acid tho, which is why you see it taken on most acid builds
making this particular conversion mod (seemingly) useless - switching it to fire would then give you a 50% fire conversion on Smite at least (fire which you usually loose on RF acid builds)
Or ‘‘chaos>acid’’ since the item is made for sentinels and you’ll eventually atleast softcap Solael’s Witchfire and even might get Possession instead Path of the Three so it became more useful than physical.
ye even that would make more sense
vitality to acid would probably work too as for making more sense than phys conversion
Usually WPS item conversions are using one of the initial dmg to be converted. So for smite it would be fire or phys. Although chaos idea seems really nice for sentinel.
Edit: maybe add like 40 - 60 % chaos to acid global conversion to this weapon. Sounds a bit to op but have not seen this item to be used much.
that’s my point with making it fire conversion(/phys doesn’t make sense since transmuter already takes care of that)
there is (imo) too much flat phys in OK and too little flat fire (most often) to not take the acid transmuter on RF
you could argue that you might get like 80% global phys-acid conversion on a max rolled “venomfang” halberd with path of the tree, but i’d still probably argue there is so much more flat phys “left” than there is flat fire avail
and, even if it was made fire conversion into acid instead of phys, it still wouldn’t give you 100% conversion (battling it out with transmuter for 50/50%) - likely not making it OP
i definitely like the chaos conversion idea ford suggested tho, almost fits brilliant with such Sentinel oozing bonk stick
You are right about transmuter, especially after rebuke flat phys buff.
But still Crate please give this weapon more omph for acid sentinel !
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