What is your longest Grim Dawn session - Playing non-stop!

For GD it’s around 6-7 hrs while levelling. I guess endgame doesn’t count cause you alt+tab to grimtools a lot.

For other games it’s dota 2. I’d do 10-15 hours a day for weeks of that one back in uni.

I think my longest session was on that weekend I bought Ashes of Malmouth, I made a spellbinder and a reaper and then played 16 hours straight.

Longest session in general was probably at one of those LAN parties in the late 90s… I was no stranger to 24hrs non-stop gaming back in the days :nerd_face:

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Base Game -

I think first ever playthrough when I discovered this game went on for 9-10 hours. I got hooked onto the plot quite a bit. I stopped at early act 2
The subsequent playthrough was even longer and went upto 12-14 hours. In this one I continued from early act 2 to all the way to act 4 Fort Ikon portal if memory server or maybe till I killed Lucius. Not sure, I do know that I didn’t beat Log till the day 3.

AoM -

First playthrough I played for about 8-9 hours to ensure I explored every inch before starting off Act VI.
Act VI was long and I took my sweet time to explore and finish it in multiple playthroughs.

FG -

First playthrough, I think I finished the MC and side quests (minus the faction quests) within 7-8 hours.

115 hours… that’s like 4 and a half days. Crazy dud.

yeah, first worlders seem to forget all the time that internet only arrived in the second half of the 2000s for most people.

I think my case for grim dawn was 10 hours, and longest continuous was SpaceChem with 15.

Doing at most 2-3 hours and having regular, plentiful sleep did more to my gaming productivity however than any marathon session ever could.

One could conversely argue that third-worlders seem to forget that there is no law dictating that first-worlders should be receiving blow-by-blow news updates on when 3rd worlders are gaining internet access.

Not sure what this has to do with anything or why anyone is even having a pissing contest about who got an email address first, but there you have it.

Because there is no need for laws when it comes to general knowledge. (and it’s second world. I wager third got general internet access even later)

That’s all well and good but what makes you think John Doe in First World Country is caring about what John Doe in Third World Country is doing? Just like John Doe in Third World Country cares nothing about what John Doe in First World Country is doing either?

So that begs the question of why you’re sticking your nose up at people in First World Countries as if you are any different or any better than them? The thing about the peoples of the world: we were all born on this planet and not one of us chose where we were born.

And whether things are of general knowledge on the internet is of little consequence. There are all kinds of people. Some simply hate reading, hate learning new things… and actively avoid such pursuits. Those kinds of people exist in every country, I feel quite sure of that.

(if you prefer to replace Third with Second, be my guest :wink: )

And don’t mind me… here in America these days people like to try to make white people feel bad about the fact that they were born white. I’m rather against people trying to make me feel bad about things I have no control over. Same thing goes for where I was born. America. Not a fan of being made to feel that this too is somehow my fault or that I should feel some sort of shame for it and when people take digs at “first worlders”, that’s what that amounts to.

I see. What was your longest GD session you remember then?


Dunno but if I had to guess… no more than a day for sure.

And sorry for the tangent… some mornings I get a bit moody.

Thoose moody mornings can combine with realy slow and boring days at work to create a perfect storm it seems :scorv:

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I normally steamroll for 10-12 hours without getting tired. That does intervene with my job though, hehe. To balance it, I get really efficient at work. Also, working out really helps things. And I work out like crazy. Not in terms of hours spent but in terms of efficiency. Like doing 500 pushups in under 30 min, which makes it both a cardio and endurance training. This has a stupidly enormous carry over to your overall energy levels. Which basically translates to being able to remain focused during long gaming sessions. I never game for longer than 15 hours straight but occasionally do marathons of 12 hours per day every day for weeks (especially when I work from home).

I don’t prefer to play that way but I do remember playing the game as far as I could in one session without turning in any main quests. That would have been game start to Homestead including all the content available (I clear every corner of the map). I don’t remember how long it took though.

The first Lich I ever encountered was this one

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