What items to keep (first playthrough)?

Hello, I’m a bit new (playing DW trickester atm) and not sure what gear is worth keeping for future alts.

I normally keep regular greens around my level to mix and match resistances when I want to change some pieces, then sell those after I start getting higher level ones (except very high resistance pieces) and also I hoard all rares and legendaries. Otherwise I don’t feel like I have enough knowledge about other builds to know what MI rolls are worth saving.

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salt bag,

but in seriousness, I usually keep all the precious ultra-rare drops, such as (Alkamos rings, Magi rings, Nightbringer, Shar’Zul Worldeater… so on and so forth which has very low drop rate, and as you can tell… those precious boss items are named after them… usually, so it’s easier to grasp the idea of it of what to keep from that spectrum.)

Now green MIs are a different breed but I usually prefer OA and DA and resist them so my favorite prefixes are:

  1. Stonehide (on armor)
  2. Incorruptible (on accessories)
  3. Formidable (on armor)
  4. Harmonious (on accessories)

…and my most loved suffix of these items is either dranghoul or its lower version - readiness.

U might wanna also keep Stomrheart, Blazeheart & Chillheart swords… and “Sahdina’s momento”.

Hope this helps.


Welcome to the game and forum. Kind of a complicated question regarding affixes on MI’s. I would keep only the ones you need for your build. You can always farm new ones for a different build while levelling.

Edit: and keep all level 94 purples.


From level 1 to 94 you can pretty much go with whatever you found + faction item. Farming will be much better at lvl 100 in Ultimate. Component and crafting material is a must collect and store it at the shared stash instead of inventory or personal stash.

During leveling, keep an eye out for green armor, specifically boots, gloves, and pants that have 2-4 resist combination or a physical resistance, this one should be helfpul when going to the next difficulty, even better if it give +skill to the skill you use and right damage type.

Low level (1-80) blue and purple item worth to keep if that suits your build or in case you want to try other build. If you don’t like it, you can dynamite it for a higher chance to give rare crafting material. Keep every 81+ blue and purple drop as it’s the highest item grade and dynamite it if you have many copy of it, or transmute it to other item if it’s a set.

If you need iron bits, just pick and sell every yellow and green you found, either by doing campaign or do low level crucible. Sell every yellow and green item that is 10 level below you.

Regarding skeleton key I personally use it at Ultimate, but it’s okay to use on lower difficulty to familiarize yourself with the locked dungeon maps, especially if the Monster Infrequent item is suitable with your build.

Try to do all faction quest in each difficulty, that way when reaching Ultimate you will already close or maxed reputation with all faction to buy their highest augment.

Consider selling everything you don’t use, so that alts have to work for their success. Feels more satisfying to me.

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