What to do on a fresh level 100 Character?

I’ve been wondering how to transition into the endgame at level 100. And how one should approach the gap between finishing the main story+dlc’s.

What are some of the level 100 goals i should be chasing after?

Plan a good build and get gear for it.

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It’s sad, that gamers now need somebody else to specify goals for them.
But here goes: kill optional bosses and beat 5 skeletal dungeons if you haven’t already, beat Shattered realm up to a shard 75, finish Crucible, then do it again with “extra spawn”, then naked i.e. without beacons or blessings.

My take when fresh lvl 100:

  • doing all quests available (including factions quests and side quests)
  • max rep for factions
  • max infamy for hostile factions
  • kill all nemezis do get theirs infamy writs
  • clear SR75-76

Make next char :nerd_face:
Or make similar char on HC if very successfull… :sunglasses:

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How is it sad to ask for genuine information about the end game, and the replayability of it?
If anything more seasoned players could give their takes on it, and guide into the right direction.

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There will always be the typical know-it-all in the forums, many ignore them, I recommend you do the same


Firstly, make sure this character’s build is pretty well locked in. If you’re missing resists or need a gear update, take care of that. (If you’re short of faction for the level 90 augments, farm that up. And once you have revered with everyone, buy a few mandates from each faction and stash them for your next character.)

Next, If you haven’t already cleared all the content on your Ultimate map, especially the shrines and special chests, do that- those are a great but non-renewable source of high-end stuff to get you started.

Then, for endgame proper, you should probably be focusing on recipe unlocks and building up a stash of endgame gear for your inevitable next character. This probably means 1) grinding one or more enemy factions down to nemesis and then farming the nemesis for cool stuff, 2) finding a roguelike dungeon you like and running it a bunch, and/or 3) pushing your build as far as you reliably can in either Shattered Realms or Crucible.

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heh, that s what I do. If I go in softcore with a character from 1-100 without dying. I make it a HC build :smiley: Worked out very good so far!