What to do with the Ravager masks?

I’m trying to make a build around it and run out of idea. Another SS Spellbreaker where it acts as a glorified Clairvoyant’s Hat? Thoughts?

You can use it for almost any common build. I consinder it a good but
not very good item. There are better helmets for specific chars.

regards Arkon

It is a glorified Clairvoyant’s Hat, so I can’t fault your reasoning. I mean the ADCtH one in particular looks like a really nice Clairvoyant’s Hat, but still basically just an incremental improvement to the basic model.

I guess every build with the head slot free can use it.

Allagast TSS/Box Mage hunter!!

An armor set without helm! Seems to fit right in :smiley:

Thanks everyone, I was thinking about some dumb SS/Hagarrad Infiltrator with + 5 Nightblade and + 3 Inq, or maybe an Avenger build but I don’t know what the hell is that set trying to do.