What would you like to see in a Summoning-focused mastery?

I like this idea, but this modded mastery won’t be like this.
I’m literally taking “summoner” at heart. You even have summons that last 3 seconds to just shoot an arrow at something.
You got a tank and a mage as well. You’re the healer. So all in all, this is great if you feel lonely. :rolleyes:

Progress update: Skills for Grigori are done, making the finishing touches. I think that I’ll make loot tables for the mastery right now so I can focus on balancing after releasing the first version.

The suspense is killing me

SmartAJ if you want I can send you the current version, I’m just tweaking a few things for Grigori.

I’ll make a full thread for the first release version tonight, you I guess… It’s “exclusive” for you?

I would be honoured!!!

Cool, I’ll send you a PM as soon as the mod gets uploaded on mega.

Sounds good. Thank you!!

Status update for those who might care besides SmartsAJ:

Affixes and suffixes are confusing as fuck, but I’m getting somewhere. The first release will come with a recipe (to drop) that makes you able to craft Coronus-related items. For now it’s just +x to some skills.
Once that’s done I’ll update the Coronus mastery picture and everything should be ready. Expect it in two hours at best.

Good work man. I can’t to see if that link works, since I had to leave abruptly. Can’t wait to sink my teeth into Grigori.

Back online now. Just sent you a PM.

Hey what do you guys think about extending the “healer” part of the tree?

I’m removing the heal’s buff and make it a castable buff on it’s own. It really is the same as the heal but more powerful in DA and includes +% to total retaliation damage.

How about minor buffs that you can get early in the tree that grants a specific thing to your pets? Not sure what it could be yet. +% Health and another +% Energy, probably. They would last for 1 hour because it makes you feel like a WoW Priest. That or make it toggeled (that’s what Elfe would want but fuck I like me some real buffs).

As for items i don’t fucking know what to do with them. Maybe you’ll be able to drop them what the fuck do I even know at this point, shit’s confusing.

Have not tried the new update yet. When I get a chance to play, will do some more field testing :slight_smile:

Hey man I’m going to upload a new version soon with fixes, buffs and nerfs, and also new skills. I didn’t take days off in the end and Elfe was able to see me getting angry and swearing left and right when I was stuck trying to make a buff work.

I would like infinite summons that have a material component cost say an aether gem for raising basic skeletons; Cthonic blood for bigger monsters.
No timer; they’re summoned, getting them there is the magical part keeping them there should require any more effort than a simple low mana drain or reserve.
No damn magic missiles with pass through; a.k.a monsters that are summoned as battle starts and go away half way through after throwing out the equivalent damage of a fireball of the same mana cost.
If you go that route summoner won’t be worth playing as fireballs & aether rays already exist for the same damn purpose.

I would love a nature summon class with Bear and Wolves and Sprites. Had an idea myself for some summons, one was an Alpha wolf that could call for help and summon other wolves which had rabies and a bleed and the Alpha wolf had an aoe roar that enraged the smaller ones with attack speed, and movement speed, like a temporary frenzy. The small ones had low hp and were only summoned once a minute. The big one is more permanent. The bear has aoe taunt and a swipe attack that bleeds. The sprite is similar to titan quest, but temporary so its an archer that bombards an area with projectiles that split and fragment, then unsummons.

Another idea thats similar was a skill tree with 3 Big summons (taking 5 skills each in a line). One was an Abomination that had a poison aura, and when enemies die they have a chance to become zombies, as it upgrades it gets more skills like a stun, and pestilence style thing that chains to enemies slowing them, and more chance to proc zombies.

An Archer lord that would buff the party with attack speed by placeing a temporary banner pet that has an aura attached, could also summon smaller archers that had basic shoot, but more points in the tree would unlock more skills for them like splitting arrow, penetration etc.

Finally a Mage style lord that would do aoe themed spells and summon smaller ones that could have different abilities depending on what points you put in. I did have all the skills mapped out and stuff but don’t have time to do it alongside other things.

As much as I looooove necromancers :I I’d try to go with something else. My halfassed Arliquin class had his Zanni Swords, flying swords, and I always wanted an Automaton class in TQ. Maybe you could go for construct-like summons that use physical/piece/bleeding? It’d contrast the rest of the classes, I think, since they’re nature/occult/undead summons. Or you could steal some minor in-game classes like Scourge Tamer? Summon a bunch of prawns and the tide to your bidding.
Also, I always wanted to see Occultist broken up into three summoner classes - Aspect of Dreeg, Aspect of Solael, and Aspect of Bysmiel - with each emphasizing in their damage type. Dreeg would be poison, eyes, and eyeball rat; Solael would be chaos, classic hellhound, and guardian of Solael; and Bysmiel would be… Bysmiel stuff.

A good basis for an automaton would be the Engineer in Torchlight II, it was pretty decent.
What you’re describing is interesting but I have neither the desire nor the skill to create a mastery like this. Not anymore, at least.

The witch gods are an easy one thanks to the lore, but that also means there’s not enough material to make a full fledged mastery for each of them, though you can definitely make up like all of us have in the end. With what’s already packed in the game you wouldn’t have to create flashy new particles effects either. Hell, you can even use some from TQ.

Dreeg would be poison & acid.

Solael would be chaos and, I guess to some extent, vitality.

Bysmiel would be pets… and that’s pretty much it.

Well, Bysmiel’s guardian is a lightning hellhound, so… Give him that and the Familiar? Some lightning spells that would compliment Shaman, or even totems that do timed summons.

Dreeg’s would be able to summon three or four eye pets with his guardian, then the eye attack. Could give each class similar skills to the base occultist one but with their specific damage spin on them. Plague aura, acid rain, an advanced version of Dreeg’s Eternal Gaze, or an eye version of Nightblade’s Blade Spirit or something.

You could fill out the classes pretty easily just from pulling out of a hat. Well, besides Bysmiel… There’s really not that much too him besides pets. Hmm, give him the pet buff abilities, and a totem that summons spiders. Killed that witch with spiders so that’d be cool. Pet buffs and debuffs, like Curse of Frailty, spiders webs, a swarm of confusing flies. Less damage skills than the other two, leaving it entirely to summons in one form or another, but gets debuffs and crowd-control to compensate.

Asylum is right about the first priority being to make the skills first then balance, and i’ll tell you why;

During your balancing, you will end up with an idea of how that skill is in pvm, but along the way, it’s far too easy to forget about balancing skills with your other skills if you’re making them one at a time. Best to just get them done and balance in the long run if you want to spend your modding time efficiently.

If I spend too long tuning a skill, I find it way too easy to forget how the last skill felt. You might not have that problem ofc, but it’s definitely possible.