What's the difference between +1 summon limit to skeles, and +1 summon to skeles?

Get out of my swamp, maya :stuck_out_tongue:

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Btw, also just because it has been done before doesn’t mean that you can’t put your own twist to it.

Case in point: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrDeqL2

Don’t ask what madness made me cook that up, but I wanted to see if I could. It remains untested though…

I don’t know enough to know what about it is “mad”. Educate me?

The +3000% dmg on it. I wanted to see how far I could push it.

A bit of back story: Occulist 100% Pet Summoner Build For New Players

Is this the equivalent of a 2x double rolled chillstrife + double rolled stonetread + double rolled kuba pants infiltrator?

Because I see 4x subjugators

Yup, for the dmg. None of it is necessary ofcourse. Push past 2k and you are already more than :ok_hand:

But if someone asks for more damage, I provide more dmg :sunglasses:


Since the last buff they are pretty okayish for campaign. I managed to beat Kymon and Korvaak in ultimate without losing too many of them with items that were kind of garbage. I imagine that they are even better with the Lost Souls Set.

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Cabalists level well with self-found gear; they’re fairly durable all the way through the main campaign with attention to upgrades, components, and augments as needed. What you call viable is probably quite different from what I do, because I’m not much for playing to the limits.

I’m currently farming gear in SR65-66 (normal per Maya’s suggestion) with the following snapshot: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4ZD44ApZ (never mind the Bloody Whetstone on the weapon; it was an experiment that I never got around to removing/replacing)

Sure, she’s not optimized (or elegant, or even pretty), but she gets the job done and building her from zero using all self-found gear was great for learning how to play her. I don’t GDStash, and I don’t have a deep library of items since I returned to playing after a lengthy hiatus. Maybe one day I’ll have the gear for one of Maya’s builds, but until then, this little gal with her dozen skeletons, and suite of other pets makes quick work out of most anything she goes up against.

Credit goes to David Allen over at his site for the basic leveling guide on which I otherwise went off-script about three-quarters of the way through main campaign. https://www.requnix.com/gaming/grim-dawn-builds/sir-crunchybones-skelemancer-cabalist


p.s. With 12 skeletons to summon, I sure do wish I had +1 (or more) skeleton summoning to make the process quicker. :slight_smile:

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From what I understand, requinix basically ripped off the content/ideas from a bunch of veterans, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the guide you’re following is basically yet another product of plagiarism.

But hey. If it helps, it helps.

@Ditchinit: I would also urge caution against following requnix’s builds excessively as his understanding of game mechanics seems lacking. There is a very real reason as to why he pulled his builds from the forum, and that’s because many veterans were pointing out the inconsistencies (and how unoriginal) his builds. (You can read more here if you’re curious - [] MR. BLOODYDOTS Vitality Bleed Conjurer Complete Build & Leveling Guide!)

You’re vastly safer following one of maya’s beginner guides.

EDIT: Just want to add that I say all this without the intent to speak ill of requnix who, I’m sure in his own way, just wanted to help others. I’m saying this because I don’t want beginners or “casuals” to get disappointed should they still choose to follow his builds.

I changed some skill points around on the witching hour /ghol skele build of sigatrev and can do lokarr pretty consitently. But still the new crucible gives me headaches :frowning:


But i would be open to develop the build further since skelies were buffed in the amor and phys res department

Forum drama BS aside … I cited my source just for reference because I didn’t want you to think (or know) I didn’t create the build on my own. I don’t know (or care) about this person’s history here on this forum or even elsewhere on the internet. I judge the information on its own merit. The page I linked provides credit to another for the build (or inspiration for modifications to the build), so I consider that fair play; you may not. I also stated the build is solid using self-found gear through main campaign even as I went off track from the posted build. I consider those to be facts. The reason I posted as I did was to show you how easy it is to start with a Cabalist following a basic guide and also testify on the durability of that class. Cabalists can be fairly versatile and plenty of gear drops and is available to last for a pleasure cruise through alll three difficulties of the main campaign. What you do with it after that is up to you. :slight_smile:

Yup. Thanks. And I mean that sincerely.

Apologies if what I said came across as a personal, butthurt attack on my end.

It truly wasn’t. It’s just that I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with requnix for me to be skeptical of his understanding of game mechanics. I merely wanted to urge anyone else who’s reading the guiden to adopt a little caution.

But like I said - if it works, it works. All’s well that end’s well.

EDIT: @Ditchinit - what IS YMMV?

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A person who has depth of game mechanic knowledge will find the class even easier. Aside from devotions and skill choices while leveling, gearing is basically “equip and wear anything with pet bonuses, and upgrade to pieces with better pet bonuses when you find them.” Doing that, I found I didn’t need components or augments until late in the game. I don’t remember my character’s first death, but I think it was probably sometime around Elite Ancient Grove.

YMMV = your mileage may vary, an old acronym from the early internet. Showing my age?

More like I don’t ever go on reddit :stuck_out_tongue:

In your opinion though, what is the biggest weakness of the build

Me neither, it was an old BBS acronym. (BBS = bulletin board system, in case you’re curious)

Multiple and varied damage types … not a specialization into a single one: acid, fire, lightning, vitality, etc.

Some people think the skeletons are weak, but you can build them to be quite durable … and as demonstrated, in large numbers. The same goes for the other pets - at least durability-wise.

I particularly like the fire proc from Fiend devotion placed on the skeletons for the additive effect; it provides both good offense and defense … that is, skeleton archers and mages will proc it a lot and they generally stand still - so you can either stand in and among them for extra defense, or you can pilot them next to your skeleton warriors and other pets who are beating on a nemesis so their fire procs add to the damage dealt. That isn’t something I’ve seen often on Cabalist builds.

You can find sufficient resistance gear, with pet and skill bonuses, so that isn’t a challenge. Most or all of @Maya’s end-game builds have items I am yet to find (either in whole or in blueprint form), but even then and with the gear demonstrated, I can survive a full scrum in SR66 boss room (sometimes barely depending on mix) if I get too careless and pull them all at once.

Good times.

Out of curiosity, why not hardcap soul harvest?

The build is more of a pet build than a caster build. Sure, it has Reap Spirit which is a little of both. As you can see in the grimtools link, the skill bar is already mostly filled (don’t mind the Decapitate - it was an experiment) and combat generally works by keeping skills 1-4 in play with occasional pet re-summons as needed which hardly ever happens against trash, but sometimes with all the particle effects going off, I don’t catch the fact that the pets are standing in [insert colored pools of bad stuff], so emergency pet re-summons are handily available.

Soul harvest is the third node of bone harvest. It adds a tonne of damage to pets.

I’m probably speaking out my bum again, because the closest thing to a pet build I’ve played was pokemon yellow, but I would drop either hell hound, or birb for soul harvest + maxed 3rd node of skeles.

Especially since that’s where all your modifiers seem to be aimed towards

Try it and let me know how it goes. :nerd_face:

You’re intrigued … I can tell. Do it.

If you link me your character folder, I just might try it this weekend.

We can compare dummy kill times.

BTW, 2 more points to undead legion, and you get an additional skele.