Whats the most fun character or build you played?

As OP, what is the funniest character or build you’ve played in GD, and why? :smiley:


In Grim Dawn?

My second char, a forcewave Witchblade that I did from scratch not following guides etc. I had a blast with that one and I actually beat glad 170 with that dude! If there is one moment in my GD career I would like to experience again that would have been leveling and gearing up that char again

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Nice, thanks for sharing!
I edited OP to make sure its GD :smiley:

Definitely my Trickster.

Played it for a long time as my only toon, still get back to her just for random SR- or Roguelike-runs

i have millions of them, but last week these 2 was such joy to play

full fburn spellbreaker

and cold aar spellbreaker , visually super pleasing and awesome in mc

and yes i love spellbreaker alot:cool:

Thanks for sharing guys :smiley:

Shield breaker: Vire’s Might on steroids.

4X Deva Mage Hunter: meteors everywhere

Retardiation DE AFTER NERFS. People say it sucks now, but it’s still good.

So cool to see your builds!

I’m still new to the game but I’m loving the necromancer pet build!!! <3

Close call,one is cold Nightblade character,dw melee and shadow strike in enemies,wee.In FG I enjoy Aegis Shieldbreaker,throw your shield like Frisbee bouncing around with metallic sound.And this is combined with Guardians spawning sound,like some broken ceramic or clay dish:D

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I remember trying CDR based bleeding warder(grasping wines+transmuted blade arc + CDR equip). Pretty sure it was one of my most idiotic tests but for some reason it was damn fun. Though not sure how he will go in FG enviroment

It’s a tie between my BWC/Sigil pyro and my 2H melee mage hunter. Farming with those characters is a pleasure.

My pet Cabalist.

And I remember vowing to never play a Cabalist once…

Blasphemy,not a Conjurer:undecided:But on flip side you still have birb:p

Pre-nerf N&O shadow strike Infiltrator was the most fun build for me.

Right now it is tri-elemental bonemonger apostate. I just love powerful proc build the most.

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Lightning-proc Saboteur back when the levelcap was 40.

Sadly, Crate hates procs almost as much as they hate Saboteurs, so it’s more or less impossible to make nowadays.

Damn, looks really fun!

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I never got to play this meme build, but I absolutely adore the guy’s concept:

It’s like storm box, but much better looking and not clunky mechanically.

Very cool!
MY funniest char till now is my 2h cold infiltrator! Cant wait to put my auradin in high levels tho.