What's the point of the markets?

I guess the main purpose of markets is to stock nearby houses in goods. That’s good, but my villagers still do it on their own, which is annoying. E.g. I’ve got markets set not to stock any books, furniture and glassware so I can store them and sell them to peddlers or just store them for later use. The problem is villagers just go to the places where those items are produced and take them by themself.

In my opinion, villagers shouldn’t stock their houses if they’re in the range of markets. I mean, what’s the point of the markets if people get the desired goods on their own?

Thing is all those items are luxury ones which are needed to get your housing up to the next level. So yes, you do need to have some in stock for markets to have to supply houses with.

Obvious marxism overtones.

Sure, I get it. But why the game won’t let me decide if and when the houses will upgrade to the next level? Besides, you don’t need all of the luxury goods to advance them to tier 4.

Because that’s not possible in the game yet. Hopefully coming in a future patch.

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Ok, but it still doesn’t fix the issue. :smile: Maybe I ask differently: what’s the purpose of setting various resources for markets to obtain if villagers by themselves can get whatever is available in town anyway? It’s like false feeling of control what goods are distributed in the city right now.

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Markets pull in money even if they have no houses inside their range.