What's Wrong With Malakor's Infusion (1)

Part #1

At the beginning of my story, I want to accentuate the fact that I will discuss only the Granted Skill of the Malakor’s Infusion and only that.
There will be no speed cleaners of Crucible, no Tacticains, no specs of maces here. Only Granted Skill.

Part #2

In order to have something to compare Malakor’s Infusion, I picked up the most suitable for the specifications weapon.
Ugdenbog Chillstrife that have flat damage on aura, RR on aura and + X stats for AoC.

The rest of the things and devotions are identical.
The conditions are also the same 151-170 waves of Crucible, 4 blessings and 1 banner.

Malakor’s Infusion Grimtools

Ugdenbog Chillstrife Grimtools

I passed Crucible three times for each type of weapon. And after that I began to study video materials in detail.
The first thing I noticed is the same passed time.
And the second is that I do not see how the Granted Skill Malakor’s Infusion play affects the game. I see the icon, but I do not see the action.

Part #3

Granted Skill of Malakor’s Infusion is very good. But only if you are a melee tank (Tacticain). If you are a caster… then this Granted Skill gives you absolutely nothing.
38 Elemental Damage is good only for those who have a WD >100%
8% Health Restored is a low-cost Waywand Soul.
When studying video, the use of Tonic of Mending was the same. Because 12 seconds of cooldown is too much.

Malakor’s Infusion Video
Malakor’s Infusion Video
Malakor’s Infusion Video

Ugdenbog Chillstrife Video
Ugdenbog Chillstrife Video
Ugdenbog Chillstrife Video

And what we have in the end. New Malakor’s Infusions with Granted Skill are the same that Ugdenbog Chillstrife w/o Granted Skill.
Yes, for Tacticains, this Granted Skill is very good. But what if you are not a Granted Skill?

I really hope that in the future, the next patch, this mace Granted Skill will be changed to a more universal one.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year <3

If you are a caster… then this Granted Skill gives you absolutely nothing

It does increase dps output of %WD scaling devotions. Most notably - Fied,Blizard, Tsunami and Guardian gaze.

38 Elemental Damage is good only for those who have a WD >100%
8% Health Restored is a low-cost Waywand Soul.

They stack, resulting in 76 elemental dmg on both weapons. Thats more that maxed Flame Touched.

And what we have in the end. New Malakor’s Infusions with Granted Skill are the same that Ugdenbog Chillstrife w/o Granted Skill.
Yes, for Tacticains, this Granted Skill is very good. But what if you are not a Granted Skill?

Yeah, -18% effective resistance reduction is as good as chillstrife with only 12% effective COLD RR +2 elemental RR.
Wait, they also push Censure passive dmg to 400 flat per tick. Thats more that Maxed BWC. And that passive dmg double-dip with RR. It triple-dip for Infiltrators, resulting in absurd amount of passive dmg.
Not even comparing impossible to find double rare chillstrife with common drop Malakor. Oh, wait, i forgot 20% of dmg to eldrich that also stack to 65% with Steel resolve.

Aka complaining that a currently overpowered legendary weapon has parts of it that are not as powerful as one of the best and at the same time insanely rare MI.
I mean if you want to argue that any legendary weapon weaker then a double rare Ugdenbog Chillstrife with a appropriate prefix and sufix is deserves a buff then nearly all other legendary deserve one too.

While something can be said for the somewhat overt focus on flat damage for many weapons, even spellcaster ones, I’m not sure this weapon is the best example for that.

I got a complaint. Why no Makakor guns, huh? With FS/Brimstone instead of Cadence? :rolleyes:

Is this not good enough? :stuck_out_tongue:

No it doesn’t give you 30% -rr nor does it heal you. Tho it is a good weapon for prm

Still not a bad weapon by any means, last I checked it was found to be one of the best weapons for FS Purifier.

It’s a very good weapon, but Malakor’s Infusion just happens to be an extremely very good weapon

And what about Malakor 2H Forcewave? They can’t seriously expect people to keep using Arcanor with no mods on a hardly overcapped Censure! :stuck_out_tongue:

Soldier and Inquisitor should get +2/+2 to all skills on Malakor. It’s pretty weak.

Both of these poor masteries need a bump. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy holidays/Merry xmas.

Don’t forget adding compulsory and completely out of place cadence or forcewave item skill modifiers. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You are saying that Malakors are good for Tacticians. But Malakors Tacticians are not even the best melee builds anymore. Their 6:30 Crucible 150-170 timer looks like a joke now.

I recommend buffing Malakors for melee builds first, maybe adding some kind of Cadence mod or as someone said here +2 to Soldier skills on each weapon. Then we can talk about buffing this frankly speaking weak-ish underperforming weapon for casters.

We agree. In the next patch, we’ll be adding +1 Soldier to every item in the game. :rolleyes:

Make it every other item, every item might be a little bit too strong. Just my opinion. :smiley:

What if the “Soldier’s” prefix, instead of boosting a single soldier skill, gave +1 to all soldier skills as in Titan Quest?