Where are the remaining sacred virtues of Humanity?

Avatar of Order
Avatar of Mercy
Avatar of Chaos
And mythical versions of same

Where are the remaining four sacred virtues of Humanity?

Lost in the depths of the Void?

Scattered across the Aether Realm?

Lay forgotten in the Asterkarn roads?


what remaining four?
what are you talking about ?? :confounded:

He is talking about amulets with those names and in the description it says “… one of seven virtues of humanity”

As for where the rest are - depends whether some get made for FoA or not :man_shrugging:t2:

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Could have been lost in the Grim Dawn of course too.

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Just imagine Zantai comes and says “wait, there are not seven virtue amulets, some corrupted?! Oh, crap, there was a bug and they kinda got lost in the database for years, never dropping… lets just say they were lost in the Grim Dawn” … so lost in Grim Dawn, get it? :exploding_head: i’ll let myself out now… :sunglasses:

maybe it’s other items/stuff/not necklaces tho? :thinking:

legplates of valor
judicator rings?
insignia of justice
stuff that holds the virtues but just isn’t the “avatar” of them ?


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I wonder why chaos is a virtue though…

it’s not, description says the virtue has been corrupted beyond recognition, so we simply dont’ know what it is/was


They don’t exist.

Here are four potential sacred virtues of humanity and possible ideas for their whereabouts:

  1. Avatar of Wisdom: This avatar embodies intellect, knowledge, and enlightenment. It could be found secluded in ancient libraries hidden within mystical mountains or wandering through the ethereal planes seeking higher truths.
  2. Avatar of Courage: Courage encompasses bravery, resilience, and determination. This avatar might be guarding the entrance to a treacherous labyrinth, challenging seekers to overcome their fears and doubts, or dwelling within the hearts of those who stand up against injustice.
  3. Avatar of Compassion: Compassion represents empathy, kindness, and understanding. This avatar could be wandering among the downtrodden in bustling cities, offering solace to those in need, or hidden within the depths of a serene oasis, inviting travelers to embrace the power of empathy.
  4. Avatar of Harmony: Harmony signifies balance, peace, and unity. This avatar might be meditating atop serene mountaintops, harmonizing with the natural world, or residing within the sacred groves of ancient forests, emanating a sense of tranquility to all who encounter it.