Where are you from?

No problem!! :smiley:

Live in No. Virginia but have been all over the states and overseas (Go Army!). I’m an old gamer!

“You don’t stop playing video games when you get old. You get old when you stop playing video games!” :smiley:

I live in australia, ACT, Canberra

Long ways from Us/Uk so i dont think ill be the only one, not that i have tryed looking over who has said anything in here happy for us to know where people are :).

Hah as stated in the above info,

Quebec City, Canada.
Since i was born, but who knows, maybe not till i die !
Though it’s really fun out here, bunch of stuff to do!

haha, I needed that :slight_smile:

Welcome Grilled, I’m in the UK, living in a town called Guildford in the County of Surrey.

Originally from Connecticut, USA
Currently in Connecticut, USA

No plans to move - but I did spend a year in Augsberg, Germany in the Army.
And my wife is from the Milwaukee, WI area, so I’ve made the drive to the mid-west countless times. Well, like 5, so not countless.

19 :slight_smile:
Russia - Tomsk =) Siberian Athens :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all. I’m 62 and live in the city of Orange, CA USA.

Very happy to have found this game. Looking fprward to playing in the alpha!

Greetings from Finland.

Denmark (Not Arkansas but Northern Europe ;))
50 years old. (Well, feeling younger, must be all that gaming) :stuck_out_tongue:

Tampa, FL and extremely happy to have found this game. Been gaming since text MuD days but while there seems to be vastly more games these days, the number of games that don’t suck seems to be dwindling.

Do you have nice saunas?!:rolleyes:

Brasil - Sao paulo !! :smiley:

Actually we do have nice saunas here.

Finns have more saunas here than cars…yes, we are small country. 5.4 million people, 2.5 million cars and over 3 million saunas!

I have my own sauna too in my house and its awesome! :smiley:

Hi all, I am 42 living in Middle Earth, oops I mean New Zealand.

Hey everybody. From the SF bay area but now live in Oceanside. My lil brother is a Marine stationed down here. And two other soldiers on the forum, eh? Not just a job, IT’S AN ADVENTURE. Haha… oh man.

Howzit! South African by birth, immigrated to Australia six years ago and landed up in Perth - but I still speak like a Kiwi :slight_smile:

I am jelly!

Live in Australia in a wee little town that likes to churn out rum, and other drinks also.

Hey, who let the Aussies in :stuck_out_tongue: