Where are you from?

Im from Denmark, but moving to USA in july.
Age: 37

  • Grilled


I am a Male
From Nottingham, UK.
I can speak a Polish in addition to my native.

That is all.

from the UK

and hi and welcome to the forums

New York
United States of America

I’m from northeast Wisconsin (the town I live near is so small its not worth mentioning).

Where are you moving to in the US?

Im moving to Georgia, an hours drive from Atlanta :slight_smile:

Georgia? In July? so…much…heat… plus, there’s a bit of a heatwave rolling across the country right now. I wish you good luck.

@ mall ninja, cheers man :slight_smile:

Currently in Dallas, TX but originally from Fort Worth, TX - just down the road.

Hmm, from West-middlish Wisconsin here, also from a town so small it’s not worth mentioning. :wink:


Hi and welcome to the forums - I live in Blackpool in the UK which is the British equivalent of LA.

Wow, from Denmark to Georgia. Beware the heat! I’ve lived in GA most of my life, but summer is still as brutal. Just remember, air conditioning is your friend…

I hear ya. I spent 6 weeks there last year, from late august till early okt… and man i was hit with such a heatwave, when i got outside of the airport! This summer is even hotter, so i guess ill be spending most if my time inside untill late afternoon, where its more cool :slight_smile:

The Great White North. It’s great we still got cool mornings, but then it gets hot (hot for Canadians you know 33-40 Celsius, it bugs me). Hide in the air-conditioned homes, flee for the basements!

This made me lol

Originally: Warsaw, Poland
Currently: Connecticut, USA

Hm… am I the only one from Russia here? :slight_smile:

36, Perm, Russian Federation

From Russia with Love is one of my favorite James Bond movies … if that helps? :stuck_out_tongue:

Texas native born and raised! :smiley:

Currently in San Antonio

:smiley: I feel slightly better now thanks :smiley: