Which content to skip on each playthrough?

Returning player here.

As much as I like the game, the campaign + dlc is very long for 3 whole playthroughs so I want to make a “balanced” faster journey(not powerlevelling) and I need a few ideas on how to do it.

Which quests and dlc should I do on each difficulty?

My plan is something like:

  • Normal: Rush to reach Elite difficulty(skip veteran)
    Movement on boots.
    60% offense 40% defense.
    Do only main and important side quests/shrines.
    Do dlcs??

  • Elite:
    Here is where the game starts. Pay more attention to resists/defences.
    Farm faction points?
    Do roguelike dungeons?
    Do DLCs?

  • Ultimate:
    Do everything.

Mine would probably go till completing the first quest of each faction until the Malmouth Resistance first quest, and after choosing the witch faction on normal only. All this just to unlock all factions and not waste reputation from killing mob on the next difficulty.

If you unlock the next difficulty not by using stone, do all the hidden path quests and speak to the final guy at the temple. At Elite after finishing this quest just go kill Loggy and go to Ultimate.

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I used to do rogue dungeons on all difficulties, but it’s a waste on Normal and Elite in my opinion. Save all those free Skeleton Keys for Ultimate.

Lots of xp from all the mob density in those areas tho.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

I think I’ll do 1 Rogue dungeon on Elite just to get the hang of it after some time off.

Do you guys always do AoM and FG dlc on Elite or skip?

the way i do it, since it’s not speed levelling/powerlevelling
plays veteran, clears all
entirely skips elite
jump straight to Ultimate, clears all, *usually lvl 100 around Fort Ikon time
this take me around 20-25h per character depending on build and how much side stuff exploration i do or movement skill used
*i do not use lokar, i do not use XP potion, i only use merit and mandates and warrants

why do i do this order instead of jumping to Elite early
part of it is simply just not repeating things i just did on Normal/Vet
playing on Vet early also feels more “meaty” than Elite eventually does, *unless you actually start on Elite below lvl 30
playing through normal, although quick, gives just enough levels that Elite feels as trivial as lvl 40+ veteran anyway, and just repeats stuff i just did on playthrough 1 anyway not giving me a continued “new” experience, as when going into dlc on playthrough 1

this is obviously considered slow leveling compared to the regular speed stuff, but if i’m not clearing all anyway for the enjoyment of leveling, why not just go “full” speed levelling with the main quest repetition
either you’re doing basically the same thing “fast” twice, and then do a complete playthrough “slow” on ultimate, and have powerlevelled to 100, how fast then just depends on in you used lokar and xp pot
Or you do 1-2 full clears, (depending on your tolerance for starting on direct on Ultimate/at low lvl)
only real difference is which you then full clear, veteran or elite + ultimate, or only ultimate,
otherwise you’re basically still doing the powerlevel method of blazing through normal and repeating parts of elite and then clearing ultimate, and then, (imo); why not just handle it as powerlevelling if we’re skipping half the stuff and repeating the same thing again anyway :man_shrugging:

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One time I hit level 94 in Homestead Ultimate, and honestly it felt too fast. The rest of MC felt too easy and it was actually hard (motivation-wise) to finish all the acts when I was that high in level and everything was dying so fast.

I find that about all 3 difficulties in GD so far.