Which devotion is better for 2H ranged?

If you’re using a 2-Handed Ranged weapon, which devotion is better, Kraken for 2H or Hydra for ranged? Should you just go with whichever fits with the other devotions better? Or do you really need to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to get both?

Depends on what Tier-3 devotion(s) you are aiming for, usually Kraken is higher prio I would

Kraken is 100% necessary on any 2h build. You can pass on Hydra if it doesn’t fit your path

I’ve always taken both for any 2h ranged build I played (only a few though).

  • 20% Slow res
  • 75% All damage
  • 4% ADCtH
  • 4% + 35 Offensive Ability

Hydra is awesome :slight_smile: and Purple is easy to get with Wraith, Quill or Toad which were buffed in the last patch anyway

Hydra is a very good constellation. Don’t forget the +12 physical damage and +9 elemental damage it grants. Even if your build can’t make use of that damage via conversion the other stats are still great.

Ranged builds do need as much damage as possible I find. Overall I would say they are difficult to build (except those Fire Strike ones…)

Along with Kraken I generally use Solael’s Witchblade for 2H ranged characters. If you have not already seen it this might be a handy list of devotions and their properties by tier for you to bookmark - https://grimdawn.fandom.com/wiki/Constellations_by_Bonus

That one may be out of date since I don’t know how well it’s kept up these days. This is the go to wiki for GD now, though this also doesn’t have the FG constellations in it.


Why? what if you deal lightning damage for instance?

I didn’t see a mention of what type of damage they are focused on and I selfishly only play Fire damage builds at the moment, for which the witchblade is a reasonable devotion choice. What if a character is using both fire and lightning damage - what devotion(s) would be a good choice in that situation ?

yeah but Solael’s Witchblade is then because you go with fire, not 2H ranged per se :slight_smile: