Hi guys,
Running a DW sword Trickster and just wonder which devotions you guys would reckommend?
I’ve started in Assassins blade and aim to get Assassin + Blades of Nadaan, but after that I’m not sure.
Which wold then be best for increasing my survivability? Should I invest in some form of life leech? Such as Ghoul?
Cheers for feedback
Seem like a physical based, piercing, bleed build. Why would you bother getting Shaman? Is it for pet? Else getting Shaman doesn’t seem worthy.
Unknown Soldier has great damage mods for piercing damage.
Went with Shaman for Savagery as my default attack plus the nice health boost from Heart of the Wild.
I’m investing everything else into the Nightblade tree pretty much.
I would reccomend dropping Savagery and go troll rage or shard of beronath … as they will save you a ton of skill points, and for a first character yoiu might have a tough time , and those extra skill points can help boost your dewfense.