Which witch cult with aether AAR Spellbinder?

Frankly almost nothing excites me from the stuff they offer for my level 100 AAR Spellbinder. Basically none of the blueprints and items are of interest.

Solael has basically nothing of interest.

Dreeg has Emblem of the Riftstalker, 30 DA augment and chaos/poison resist augment. Some +x to AAR items but nothing better compared to what I have already. Elite Dreeg Vile Mantle might be better than my Malmouth shoulder piece.

Bysmiel has just the 55% aether damage/30 OA augment but I think Outcasts Wrath is still better. If it were like Dreeg’s with life, energy regen and chaos res I’d be tempted. But a pitance of damage increase and OA for well over 500 HP? I don’t think so.

Kinda seems like Dreeg has the best to offer. Anything I am overlooking?

you can get revered with all three so dont bother

I thought you had to chose one and have to get two other characters for the cults you did not chose? :confused:

You choose one faction which will increase your reputation with them far faster then the other two factions which will increase by killing Eldritch enemies.

I am glad they did it this way.

Thanks for the explanation, so it does not matter that much whom I align with I see.

also, unless you’re building around one of the items they offer, just look at the augments and decide based on which one you’ll most likely use.