Have you wanted to start playing in Vanquisher mode, but have either reached the end of your capacity in Trailblazer, or tried and failed (tried and died)? This is the strat I have picked up and worked on for most of my time playing Farthest Frontier over the past 10 months, most of which I have played on Vanquisher.
This guide assumes you are playing in Lowland Lakes and are familiar enough with everything to be able to manage workers/laborers while capable of making critical changes to how you plan your Settlement layout.
This is a Work In Progress up until the end of Tier 2 at this stage. Most of the strat is hinged on what is covered in Tiers 1 and 2, so I have opted to release it at this current stage. This will be updated for changes in future updates (0.9.2 brought some of the biggest changes in a single update so far) also.
Questions and requests for clarifications are very welcome and can help me edit this draft. Currently using Googledocs, but am open to transferring it to an alternative free source (if you know of one) if it helps make the guide more practical.
Trading and Relic Guide for Lowland Lakes
The guide is now finished in First Draft form up to and including all the things introduced in Tier 4.
Coming soon/later includes:
- Changes for playing in Arid Highlands (the Hard Hard Mode)
- Relic Opinions/ratings
- Excess Trader Selling Mini Guide
When future content updates come, what I will do is play a game from scratch and do some playing around to figure out how to work whatever comes out in the most efficient way, find out what changes how the grand scheme works, then update the guide accordingly.
Trading and Relic Guide for Lowland Lakes released in draft form!
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This is what I love about this game, you do everything completely different way than I do.
I usually start with:
- 3 hunters - together they are force no bear or wolf or any early bandit raid can match!
- Well
- 2 houses (you don’t really need houses for foragers and hunters!)
- Firewood splitter
- Smokehouse and Forager
- Then I continue with more houses and arrows/bows production (ASAP) and moving to markets/manufacturing
At start when desirability doesn’t matter at all, I keep all of the buildings very close to each other - worth to remember moving them later (when you are about to start building your market) costs you nothing but few seconds of your builder time.
- +25% HP is the god of all relics - affects every single villager including soldiers
- +4 def for coats/shields is also OP both early and late
- The last one I’m using is situational - usually +15% bow damage or +10% HP and birth rate, changing to 15% soldier damage for raids time (the change is instant, you just can’t change it back for the next 6 months).
With extra hp and def your army can be much smaller than the enemy force and it’s a lot easier to pull back wounded soldiers limiting your casualties.
Still the most important part stays to have a lot of food and free houses to boost your immigration.
Anyway well done, I can see it working, hope it helps someone.
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