Who here has never gotten the Reddan Momento Ring?

I haven’t. This thread is for only the purest of Samaritans!

I don’t even know how to get the Reddan Memento ring.

I haven’t either. Honestly, i even had to look it up to see what it was :stuck_out_tongue:

I never got the ring too. Even though i don’t know if Drew Larkin actually tried to rape Isaiah’s daughter.

Had to Google it :slight_smile:

[SPOILER]Although I killed him first time they let us into Act two.

I mean — c’mon guy said something about his partner trying to rape his daughter, the partner is down the road, dying, but where the heck is the daughter? “He is lying to me” was the only reasonable conclusion, hence — his demise at my hands. Later on I meet her, and had to kill her in self-defense, aah… Don’t remember no ring, tho, maybe it wasn’t in game yet, or just memory fails me.

But yeah, that was the only time I killed him. I mean — the guy sells ointments! Has big collection of jewellery, shields and belts!

…and also was good supplier of dynamite, heh[/spoiler]

Bunch of boring people you lot are. Lol.

whats the point of options if you choose the same one every time??

I have gotten it a few times, I intentionally killed the dude just to get it. But this was way before homestead was out. It’s not that great of a ring tbh, not really worth losing a trader over.

I can’t bring myself to aid a rapist, even an fictional one. Silly I know.

Actually, I never thought I’d do that, but recently started an 2h Elementalist, and kinda roleplay him as a brutal guy.

Let Skinner burn his family, got a torch from him after he attacked me afterwards. Killed extortionist in fishing village. Burned the witch. Slaughtered Anasteria.

But even with him I returned the relic to rovers (stole it with some of my witty goody-two-shoes before, lol), and spared our guy in question :smiley:
Oh, and never did killed blacksmith for hammer with anyone.

I kill anyone indiscriminately. :smiley: The wastelands are MINE.

Besides, the rapist was already dying.

I’ve gotten four.

…three of those were on accident with mashing through the text options too quickly.

my first encounter with the quest , i instantly killed the old man on the spot, thinking he’s the bad guy! Then afterwards I “raped” his bloody daughter :rolleyes:

I have killed Reddan only once, with my second character. It seemed a too convenient lie that his partner tried to rape his daughter who was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t kill him with my first character because I thought I could go back to check with his partner again, but he just vanishes after talking to Reddan. After knowing that his daughter really exists, I have never killed him again. Also, he is the best merchant in the game.

I have never killed the blacksmith for the hammer. The witch sometimes I burn, sometimes not, usually my chars sided with Kymon’s Chosen burn the witch. Anasteria isn’t worth killing, so I got her only once. I also killed Sillas on the fishing village only once, it’s better to just give him iron bits; fast and effective.

I have two Skinner’s Torches. First time I didn’t want to kill him, I believe I chose the option “Nope, not dealing with crazy.” or something like that because I thought that meant I would let him alone. Well, if he and his family decided to burn, who am I to say no? But then he started attacking me. WTF?

I’m a mercenary. I choose the outcome that’s best for me. My first few characters killed him for the ring which was then put in the shared stash. Subsequent characters spared Isaiah for the xp, rep, and his shop.

I kill him every time. I also always steal the Talisman. I waffle back and forth on the Skinners, between the Torch and the Crest, and on the Witch. Oddly enough I still feel awful about killing Anasteria…I did it once to see the dungeon and I still feel guilty. But Reddan? Doesn’t bug me at all.

not that good of an item tbh, but looks nice.

I have a few chars i do this with too. They are all out assholes to everyone and everything. Trying to make the worst choice in everything i do.
Even though it’s just a game, i still feel that the choices i make with these characters are inherently wrong. But i want to see what the game gives me for making these bad choices.

Well, my brutal guy aren’t much of an asshole, he doesn’t deliberately goes out killing people, hence alive Angrim. Witch and Anasteria — they’re tied to Aetherials, and Aetherials tried to corrupt him, so they will get his ire. Skinner is some loser, who gave up on his own family, the sorry fool. He has a high sense of honor thus he honors his deal with the Rovers. He wants to kill necromancer who sent us out in SoT, but feels camaraderie with warrior ghost. He doesn’t tend to think long about killing scum, thus killing Cronley’s extortionist.

Something along this lines :slight_smile:

Wait…You can kill Balvoruuk? I’ve never gone back to see him, actually…I must try this now. Would I have to be allied with Kymion’s Chosen?

You cannot kill him, sadly, thus my guy only wants to kill him :wink:

IF that ring would have a chance of a rare prefix and suffix,
it could be quite useful. Same with the other jewelry you can
get during your quests in Act 1.

Right now you just do your quest and collect the expierence.
A choice with interesting consequenses would be nice.
