I am a level 75 Conjurer with a pure pet build that has completed veteran and elite difficulties. I would estimate I’ve had at least 25,000 magic or better drops. I cannot comment on other builds because I’ve only played a few of them to level 21. However, my experience clearly shows that loot drops for my build are horrible. As a bit of background, I am a statistician by trade so I know a bit about RNG and programming. In this instance the data show that this is not just bad luck. It’s either poor game design or bad programming. The facts:
For argument’s sake let’s assume the 25,000 drops is accurate.
When I talk about gear I am specifically referring to a pure pet build, so this is looking at gear with pet bonuses and hopefully relevant skill increases on the higher quality gear.
After completing elite difficulty I have experienced zero helm drops, zero chest drops, zero shoulder drops, and zero pant drops. That’s right, level 75 and having completed elite difficulty I have yet to have a single drop with a pet bonus for any of these slots.
In the same time I have had one one-handed weapon drop, one glove drop, and one boot drop. So for the 7 main gear slots I have had a grand total of 3 build appropriate drops out of 25,000 drops.
For the amulet, ring, and medal slots I have had maybe 2-3 drops for each.
I have had maybe half a dozen belt drops, none particularly good, but at least a few of them dropped.
For some reason I have had more off-hand drops than all the other slots combined. No idea why this is the case. If the off-hand drops had been spread around to the other slots things wouldn’t be so bad.
Since completing veteran difficulty I have had maybe 2 or 3 upgrades that dropped, mostly rings. So I completed elite difficulty in almost the same pet gear I used on veteran.
Outside of my off-hand, my four best pieces of gear are from rep vendors.
For the pure pet build, this gear situation is absurd. Using JayNyne’s summoner guide as a reference, I have just one BIS piece, and that was because of a formula drop. I have farmed SoT, BoC, and just started with nemesis bosses, which I find extremely difficult because, for the most part, my gear is low level. I’ve been trying to farm some of the better gear, but to no avail. I’ve been able to progress up to this point, but things are definitely getting more difficult because I never get any gear upgrades.
According to JayNyne’s guide, which is excellent, the two best weapons are level 50 and 60 respectively. At level 75 apparently the only way to farm these on my current character is by killing nemesis bosses. I don’t mind doing that, but with my gear this is not easy and they take time and luck to find. Also, why is level 50 gear BIS? Your character can get to level 85 and there is no BIS weapon higher than level 50 for this build?
For the pure pet build the drops are terrible. Yes you can get gear through rep vendors, but is it really fun to go through tens of thousands of drops and never see a pet bonus piece of gear outside an occasional off-hand? In this type of game I want to be able to kill mobs and bosses along the story line so that at least I get some decent gear to be able to progress. I do not believe in getting handed gear, I believe you should have to work for it. But killing monster after monster with no return from drops is not enjoyable. For this game to be fun the loot issue needs to be addressed. It’s not necessary for BIS gear to drop with little effort, but by level 75 and after some decent farming, a few magic or better drops for each gear slot would be nice.
Thanks for reading!