Why do Builders Put Move to On LMB and AA on RMB

Just curious as to if there is an advantage to putting ‘move to’ on LMB and not the AA there instead. I always do the latter, is the former personal pref or are there gameplay reasons behind it? Thanks

Do you use Move and have it on RMB?

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No I never use move even while levelling.

Move (Force Move in other games) allows you to move around enemies without targeting any.
Many players can’t imagine playing without it. It’s been even added to Diablo 2 Ressurected recently
and as you can see a well-known Diablo player considered it important enough to put in the thumbnail:

I use it too on all my characters I think, even melee.


I’m guessing it’s main importance in GD is to move around pool of DOT and side-stepping various nasty spells?

I use the Force Move keybind a lot more for that-- I have it bound to Ctrl (by default it’s F i think?), and usually find myself holding it down constantly. Even on builds where I put move on RMB, I hold down Ctrl anyway. :rofl: Force of habit in ARPGs.

Yeah it’s really useful for that, as well as for actually moving when you want to move (and not just, say, targeting some random crate or mob).


ESP on ranged builds, the frustration is real lol.

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Basically what some others said, I use Move To so if I need to GTFO of something like a crowd of enemies putting too much pressure on me, I don’t need to worry that my character will stop and try to attack that one enemy I moved my mouse over and hit LMB on.

That said, it does mean another skill has to go on my skill bar/managed by my keyboard hand instead of having something on LMB and something else on RMB.

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Btw with GDAutocaster you could have both on LMB:

[combo holds]

You have i.e. Primal Strike on Hotbar LMB and Move+Attack with LMB as normal.
This above makes Force Move Button (U in my case) being held after Double LMB Click + Hold and overwrite your LMB Hotbar attack.


That would work great; I am not a fan of external programs and play vanilla game exclusively though ( so-called ‘purist’ :rolleyes). I do appreciate your work on that program though.


Yes, but I’m lazy and too stubborn to take free improvements when I can make do without :smile:. Maybe when I start getting older and get hand cramps from jumping around 5-8 keys constantly will I consider an external tool like Autocaster to help.


Anyways, thanks for all the prompt and helpful answers folks. Appreciate it.

as melee it usualy feels fine using an AA on LMB,you are gonna use mobility skils to get out of stuff most of the time instead of moving anyways…but,as any kind of ranged ability specialy with a rifle/pistol not having move to on LMB is honestly nearly unplayable

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If I put ranged auto-attack or spamming cast on left button, that tend to limit my movement, since I am shooting from range instead of going out of the way of dangerous attacks. I have suffered from that mistake before. :sweat_smile:

Also if you constantly attack, that can cancel certain skills. With move button you have more control over them.

For melee attacks though, always put them on left mouse button. Nightblade, Attack on left+ABB on right mouse button is always nice. Or movement skill like SS or Blitz.

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